About RWC

About Aditi Wardhan Singh

Founder, Chief Editor, Children’s Book Editor & End to End Self-Publishing Coach

With her many hats, Aditi is foremost a mom.

A third culture child herself, raised on the borders of Kuwait and India, Aditi is now raising children who are American by birth and Indian by heritage. Identifying herself as a global citizen has lead her to create multiple resources for multicultural families herself. You can read her best selling book Strong Roots Have No Fear, to experience her journey and be immersed in her best work of the past 10 years.

A computer engineer by education, Aditi has been a student of literature since her childhood and evolved into an entrepreneur and world changer herself using the power of words. Her journey from blogger to freelance writer, editor, founder of RWC and now publisher has been path breaking! Through her work and support of other authors like herself, she aims to shape our futures with more diverse voices.

Managing Editor

Minali Bajaj Syed

Minali Bajaj-Syed is an Indian, born and settled in Kuwait. Having lived in Kuwait, India and the United States, she has had the opportunity to experience a diverse set of cultures. Thus, she is well equipped to bringing her experience working in the retail department, childhood education and social media influencer to the benefit of all the articles that come across our desk.

She is a mother of two and full time food blogger at cinnamon_cardamom.


Rising With Culture

Our Mission

To create awareness of the common thread that breathes though the fabric of our collective present. When we open our minds to new views, we are better equipped to inject new life into old thought processes.

To give parents a broader world view empower families to create that perfect balance of modern thinking, evolving cultures and their own heritage.

Our Vision

Learning from old stories, sub cultures of each city, and providing tools to parents and children to create a growth mindset that is global. 

We create a more unified tomorrow : more aware and empathetic to our differences and similarities.

Raising World Children magazine is global platform for  –

-Resources for parents to be mindful in raising culturally diverse kids to be kind, empathetic and inclusive.

-Lists of books and various content great for childhood development.

-Bringing to spotlight other WORLD CHANGERS who are working towards unifying us all for a better world.

OUR EMAIL - contact@raisingworldchildren.com

Aditi family

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You can email us your topics and articles for consideration. (500+ ORIGINAL words with a unique diverse perspective). Kids art & stories welcome for feature on our social media platforms.

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