Mr. Puneesh Rohatgi answering questions posed by RwC.
1. Please tell us about your parents.
I was born in business family . My father was a dynamic and caring man. He was very affectionate. He had many diversified business interests. He was very intelligent and highly respected in business as well as the community.
My mother, was a full time mother who took care of six sisters in law in was as well as her mother in law. She never uttered a word even when she was herself going through things herself. She used to help all our neighboring kids with math. She was outstanding at math herself and loved helping anyone she could.
2. How did your parents handle any wrong doing done by you?
Surprisingly my parents never scolded me. I only used got smacked once or twice, when I was in school.
3. How did you meet your spouse?
My parents arranged a meeting with my soon to be wife, at my bua’s (father’s sister) place and we finalized marriage then & there.
4. What is your advice about marriage?
Simple advice : give respect & take respect. Without giving, you cannot expect to get respect or understanding.. Don’t be rigid in your ways. Do not criticize. Help each other in the little things. Communication is important to any discussion in finding solutions to any problems. These will lead to happy married life.
5. What was your career graph like?
Career of both of us, my wife and I zoomed immediately after getting engaged. I eventually reached a substantial position in the pharmaceutical company I worked with.Within the span of 6-7 years of my marriage I reached the position of assistant manager from the rank of supervisor. Similarly my wife got promoted as PGT(Sanskrit) in the government organization, which was really an achievement for her. We consistently grew.
6. What’s your biggest achievement? Happiest memory?
I consider my biggest achievement as getting married to a highly qualified girl. She had done her post graduation in Sanskrit language. It was wonderful that a girl studied that much in that time. She had also received many offers to pursue her Masters in Philosophy and that too with scholarship. It is sad that she wasn’t able to pursue it. Some times life gets in the way of our dreams. But it is only because of her that my whole life turned into what it was and is. My happiest memory is birth of my kids.
7. What is the favorite and most hated part of technology today?
Mobile phone is the most favorite & hated technology. Mobile has become an essential element of everyone’s life.We feel handicapped without it. But on the other side, it is responsible for breach of trust and is transforming people into ‘Liars’ .This situation is reflecting the sorry state of the society. People need to connect truthfully.
8. How many places have you traveled to or visited or lived and which has been your favorite and why?
I have traveled over all the India but Delhi is the best place to live for me whether it is weather or eating joints. We have all our family & friends here. And it is easy to move to any corner of India.
9. Which festival is your favorite and what part of the celebrations do you think was best celebrated in earlier era ?
Deepawali (Diwali) is the best giving you an opportunity to be in touch with each & every family member as well as your friends. This festival provides a lot of opportunities to teach life lessons to kids. The story of Ramayan on which it is based has many inbuilt morals that can be discussed with kids. Also the many traditions mean a lot when each one is explained the the children.
10. What advice do you have for parents today?
11. What is a suggestion you would like to make for the current generation in raising children?
Children should be aware of their generational hierarchy. They should know where they come from and who all make a part of their heritage. I refer to the downlink that proceeds towards the younger generation, starting from the family head. I belong to a grand family.
My father, Mr.Krishna Gopal Rohatgi has 6 sisters, all of them are well settled in India n abroad. We are all very well aware of their families. In fact are on good terms with them because we remained connected. But in most of the families today, children are not even able to tell the name of their grandparents or even their cousins. People just confine themselves to their shells, which certainly is a hindrance in their personal and communal development.