Happy New Year 2018 !

Happy New Year 2018 !

Featured in the video powerful women changing the world.


Aditi Wardhan Singh – Raising World Children

Christina Tinker – Richmond Moms Blog

Suja Dinesh – Passionate Moms

Ronda Bowen – Snark Magazine

Tammy Coin – Doors of Wellness

Janie Saylor – Become University

Parul Agrawal – Alpha Female House

Deepa Rai – Selfie VA 

Rivkah Krasnoff – Aspiring Mompreneur 

Sherrie McCarthy – Creative Mermaids 

Caroline DePalatis – Culture Weave

Anna Bursell – World Changer 

Dilraz AR Kunnummal – Mommy Dil 

Jaya Joseph George

Madhu Peruri – Pretty Pockets

Bunny Young – A Better Place Consulting 

Deanna Seymour – The Lively Nest 

Meeta Arora – Piping Pot Curry

Laura Fernandez Ramnath – Rambling Ramnaths

Chastity Hise – Domestic as Hell 

Author Jennifer Millikin – Author 

Jewel Eliese – Write Away Mommy 

Sandy Mangis – Jar of Success 

Shannon Lanzerotta – Sister Mom 

Merlie Priya Pais – Musician 

Nicole Fassnacht Akers – Pubishous Now 

Charu Chhitwal – Ketchup Moms 

Ruchi Rastogi – Writer of Dreams 

Sandhya Acharya – Diversity Author 

3 Ways to Protect Your Child from Sexual Abuse

3 Ways to Protect Your Child from Sexual Abuse

Being a parent is the MOST.  It is the job we have that is the most challenging, the most difficult and the most rewarding and yet, we receive very little training on how to do it effectively, especially when it comes to sexual abuse.

As a Grammy to a 3-year old grandson and the mother of two grown children, I fully understand the complexities of being a parent and what it means for them to feel safe.

Not only am I a Practitioner who works with adult survivors of childhood trauma and abuse,  I am also a survivor of sexual, physical and emotional abuse.  During the 52 year case study of myself and working with clients, I have contemplated, studied and watched the effects of abuse on children as they mature into adults.

Our children are like “case studies” in that we try this and experiment with that and have no real idea of how it will effect our child or the outcome until years later.

The sad truth is we cannot physically protect our children every minute of every day.   We also cannot create such fear in them or ourselves that we rob them (and us) of a happy life.   So what do we do?

After careful consideration, I believe these three ways are the most effective things you can do to protect your child from sexual abuse.


Educating yourself is a preventative measure for you and your child.  This education must be deeper than what you might hear on television.  Read books on the subject, attend seminars, watch documentaries, research statistics and scholarly articles.  One of the most important pieces of education you can have is to understand that most sexual abuse against children is from someone the child knows and trusts.  Educating yourself gives you a basic understanding of how,  when and where your child could be at risk.


Educating your child starts immediately.  The attention span of a child is going to be different at every age and every stage of maturity.  Based on the maturity level of the child, will depend on the type and method of education.  Teaching a child about their body and appropriate touches helps them become familiar in a non-scary or threatening way.  It just becomes part of how you teach them.  There are teachable moments every single day.  When we begin to teach children about their bodies, intimacy and sexuality, we must also be mindful that they will grow to be adults where sexuality is a natural part of being human.  How we teach our children impacts their safety as well as their healthy functioning as they become adults.


Children need to know that they have the power to say “NO” when it comes to their body.   When they need to talk, it is vital they know you will HEAR them and BELIEVE them.  It is imperative they know YOU are not going to become embarrassed or scared of them talking to you.

As a child, it is difficult to know that your parent is uncomfortable with their own body and sexuality.  Children need to know that you are a safe space for them and can handle whatever they bring to you.

There are no guarantees that you can protect your child.  There are no guarantees that your child will never encounter someone who is harmful.  Focusing on what you can do is empowering.  Remember to educate yourself.  Educate your child.  Then, empowering your child so they know what to do in the event they are placed in an uncomfortable situation.

If they are the victim of sexual abuse, it is imperative that they have a loving parent (or other adult) who will help them navigate, process and release the feelings they have about the abuse.  Holding these feelings, feeling guilty or shamed about what has happened to them, dis-empowers them and continues to hurt them throughout adulthood.

3 Ways To Protect Your Child From Sexual Abuse | Raising World Children | Family | Parenting | life lessons | Sexual Abuse | | Protect Kids Online

Tammy Coin is a Mind-Body Wellness Practitioner, Teacher and Speaker. She holds sacred space & helps you locate the unhealed emotions leftover from Childhood Abuse & Trauma that block the door to your authentic self. She then partners with you, using the pieces of her own life, to empower, motivate and inspire you to fully uncover your Soul Purpose. You can find her http://thedoorsofwellness.com