Shamrock Man:
Supplies Needed:
- Green, Brown and Black construction paper
- Scissors
- Glue stick
- Googly Eyes
- Marker
- Trace a large heart and cut it. Now place the heart over the green paper and trace a shamrock leaf as shown in the video. Make sure your leaf doesn’t have the stem.
- Cut 4 strips of brown paper, 2 long ones and two half the size of the long ones. Fold the papers in accordion style. These will be the arms of the legs of the Shamrock man.
- Glue the arms and legs to the large shamrock.
- Now make two pieces of shoes and hands on a black paper. Glue the shoes and hands to the end of the arms and legs of the Shamrock man.
- Using a marker draw a mouth onto the Shamrock man.
Shamrock Leaves Garland:
This is the most simple craft that you can create in two minutes that makes a perfect decoration for St.Patrick’s day.
Supplies Needed:
- Construction paper
- Scissors
- Pencil
- Glue Stick
- Prepare a shamrock template that you can use to trace it on the paper.
- Cut the construction paper into long strips keeping the shamrock template size in mind.
- Place the shamrock template and trace it. Now fold the paper in accordion style and draw two lines in the edges of the fold.
- Now carefully cut the paper following the trace. Make sure you don’t cut it on edge lines you had drawn. This is the space that gives the garland continuity look.
- Once you have more garland strips, paste them together to make a long shamrock garland.
- A simple decorative craft for St.Patricjk’s day is ready to be hanged.
Shamrock Fan:
I am sure Shamrock fans would be the greatest hit among all crafts I have mentioned here. This can be a perfect craft for party favors too. So, if you plan on a party then you are in luck.
Supplies Needed:
- Green construction paper
- Any patterned paper for decoration
- Glue stick
- Popsicle stick
- Green paint or any glittering sticker to decorate the popsicle sticks.
- Yes, you guessed it right! Trace and cut two Shamrock leaf as I mentioned in previous tutorials.
- Trace small heart shapes in the patterned paper and cut it out. Now paste them over the shamrock leaves.
- Apply glue on both shamrock leaves and paste it together leaving the decorative part to appear outside. Now your shamrock leaves appear to be a single leaf.
- Paint the popsicle stick or paste some glittery paper over it and paste the stick on the shamrock leaf. Make sure you paste the sticks perfectly one over the other with the leaf in between.
That’s It a lovely shamrock fan is ready.
I hope you enjoyed the inexpensive yet adorable St.Patrick’s day kids craft ideas. Let me know which one is your kid’s favorite. I’d love to hear what you have come up with to add to what I’ve created.
We would love to hear from you. Make this and show it off! Email it to us at contact@localhost or upload it on social media and tag us. @passionatemoms,@raisingworldchildren. We would feature the best ones on OUR platform for the world to see!
6 Responses
Wow, this is absolutely adorable.
My son would love the fact that you’d be able to make the little shamrock guy dance with his arms and legs.
Adorable! I Love how its simple for little ones! I’ll have to give a shot with my son! Thanks for posting!
This turned out so cute! Definitely going to try it with my son. Looks easy enough for a toddler to actually manage.
LOVED the video! This would be so much fun for my son. He is really into cutting and folding paper, so he would totally enjoy this! Saving for next year!
Those turned out really good. My son would love to make these over the weekend. Thanks for sharing.!!