How Passionate Shooters Can Prevent Kids Using Their Guns by Accident

How Passionate Shooters Can Prevent Kids Using Their Guns by Accident

There are many reasons why gun safety shouldn’t be overlooked. Unfortunately, though, there are many parents who undermine the importance of taking all the means of precautions when it comes to gun ownership. Statistically speaking, children are killed weekly due to the attention lapse of adults, leading to tragic accidents and even deaths. In 2018 alone, no less than 73 children were killed in accidents, due to the fact that adults didn’t secure their guns accordingly.

Concurrently, according to this source, in 2017, 285 children got hold of a gun and accidentally shot someone else or themselves. Adolescents should be factored in as well. That’s because they are at a higher risk of committing suicide especially when there is an unlocked gun inside the house.

Irrespective of these staggering facts, 2 million children live in houses with unlocked, loaded guns. What should a responsible, passionate shooter do in this respect?

How to Reduce the Chances of Injury?

There are many ways in which you can diminish the likelihood of such incidents happening in your house. For one thing, you should acknowledge that the dangers are real. Children are likely to be victims in accidents when there is a loaded gun inside a house, and it isn’t stored adequately. Therefore, what can you do as a passionate shooter? Most likely you don’t want to give up on your hobby.


  • Safe Storage Is the Key


First of all, adequately storing and locking your guns will most likely diminish the likelihood of such tragic outcomes. In this respect, there are massive locks and high-quality gun safes that are made to provide maximum protection in all case scenarios. The good thing is that there is a wide variety of safes on the marketplace to choose from, depending on your needs. At the end of the day, there’s no such thing as being too careful when it comes to your children’s safety, is there?

With that in mind, all the guns you own should be located in a safe. Concurrently, all guns should be unloaded, for safety reasons as well. Plus, the law clearly states that as a shooter and a gun owner, you are responsible for storing the weapon/s in a secured container. In addition to that, you should also disable it with a gun lock.

Sadly, though, the reason why accidental deaths are so frequent is precisely due to the fact that many shooters overlook the importance of practicing adequate gun storage practices. In addition to that, in some states in the US – such as New York, California, Connecticut and others – the law states that you should keep your ammo and firearms separately. This is another important measure of protection that might reduce the likelihood of accidents. As for the ammunition, it should also be locked and appropriately stored.

It goes without saying that the storage location must be out of reach for children. Before placing a firearm in the safe, you should double-check to ensure that it is unloaded. Accidents can happen when you aren’t careful, so don’t take safety for granted.


  • Storing Your Ammo and Firearms Separately


It might seem unusual that many passionate shooters don’t keep their firearms and their ammo separately. But when you have children in the house, this is a necessity – whether the law in your state requires it or not. The last thing you want is for your children to get a hold of the gun while having ammunition readily available.

The thing is that children tend to be curious and they are normally attracted to the things they can’t understand. Guns can also seem intriguing to adolescents and even toddlers. For convenience purposes, you might choose to keep your ammunition and firearms in the same place. Still, this is contraindicated for safety reasons. This is applicable if you have children of your own or if you have families with children visiting as well.

You might say that there’s no use in having a gun inside the house if you can’t store the ammunition in the close proximity. There is a solution to this problem as well. You should invest in a container that is separate from the safe where you keep your guns.


  • Other Important Guidelines to Increase the Safety of Your Children


You should always store your ammo and your gun in a safe container. This is a golden rule that applies in all case scenarios. Another important piece of advice would be to avoid hiding your gun or guns around the house. Many shooters choose this approach so that they would have immediate access to a gun in the case anything happens.

In addition to that, you should never disclose the code to the safe to anybody. Of course, the only case in which you should do so is if you really trust the other person as he/she is reliable. But be cautious.

Always, but always double-check a gun before placing it in a safe. Doing proper maintenance checks is a necessity when you own a gun, especially when there are children in the house. In addition to that, although your knowledge of guns is far-reaching and you are constantly learning new things, you shouldn’t assume that you know everything. Keep an open mind and acknowledge that unprecedented situations can happen to anyone. Although practice and experience are important, this doesn’t mean you can’t exclude the likelihood of an accident altogether. Precaution is always best.

Final Thoughts

To conclude, if more shooters would embrace a responsible behavior when it comes to storing and using their guns, the numbers of accidents would be drastically reduced. It’s up for us to acknowledge this and do our best to maximize the safety of our loved ones. Doing something as important as purchasing an appropriate safe for your guns can dramatically reduce the incidence of accidents. Make sure you don’t overlook this. Stay safe!

4 Steps to Handling Tantrums in Autistic Children

4 Steps to Handling Tantrums in Autistic Children

All children go through periods of tantrums while they grow and develop. Tantrums are a response a child has when they do not get what they want or need. Tantrums in autistic children can be a challenge. A meltdown occurs from over stimulation. It is important to remember that a tantrum is not the same thing as an autistic meltdown. A tantrum and a meltdown need to be handled in different manners.

4 Practical Steps to Handling Tantrums in Autistic Children

Recognize Tantrum Behavior Triggers

There are certain events or situations that can trigger tantrum behavior. Wanting something that they don’t have, lacking the skills needed to ask for it, not getting something as quickly as they want, and being denied something that they want, can all be tantrum triggers. Knowing your child’s specific triggers beforehand can help you avoid certain situations and prevent unnecessary outbursts. Often, speaking with a professional child psychologist can help tantrums in autistic children by being better at identifying triggers that may not seem so obvious.

Teach Preventative Skills

Many times children do not have the skills necessary to get their desires and needs met. It is at this point that they will break down and throw one of those infamous temper tantrums. Teaching them proper communication, problem-solving, negotiating, impulse control, and self-soothing skills can help to lessen or minimize tantrums. Often, if a child is able to notice their frustration early on, they can take the time needed to calm down and prevent the buildup to either a meltdown or a tantrum.

Reinforce Positive Behavior

Many times children will continue the behavior that gets them the most attention, even if it’s the bad behavior. Therefore, it is important that their positive behavior gets the attention it so rightly deserves. If you see your child react appropriately to the issues that would normally lead to a tantrum, praise them for their efforts in the moment. Show them how proud you are of their accomplishment with a hug or high-five.

Use Proper Disciplinary Skills

Unfortunately, there may be times when your child needs proper discipline for unacceptable behavior. Autism and discipline need to be handled differently than a typical child going through the terrible two’s. Children with autism have difficulty understanding the language of everyday rules. Raising your voice in anger or frustration can only make an autistic child withdraw further.

The first step in proper discipline is to assess your child’s needs and strengths and apply the appropriate approach that works best with their particular personality. Professionals can also assist in identifying what methods work best with your child’s particular needs in discipline and in communicating.

While dealing with a child who is throwing a temper tantrum can be extremely frustrating, it can be overcome or even avoided with the right tools. Knowing what triggers your child ahead of time is the first step. Teaching them the skills they need to prevent their feelings of frustration and then reinforcing good behavior can lead to a healthy and calm future for the both of you.

Teaching Kids the Art of Time Management

Teaching Kids the Art of Time Management

I don’t need to tell anyone the importance of time management. The world is full of appointments and deadlines to make it clear about why every child needs to learn the art of time management. Yet, many of us find themselves constantly running in the IST time zone. It’s a well known running joke within the Indian community where IST is Indian Standard Time where they are consistently 30 mins more more late for everything and unrepentant for the circumstances are never in their hands.

Now of course everyone understands being late once in a while. But being consistently lagging causes a number of issues for those waiting and is just disrespectful of the time of others.

I grew up in a house where my father pushed us to be on time for everything. Being on time is a trait he drilled into us. In my all my years of life, I have rarely been late. And all the credit goes to parents who ensured that we respected the time of others and ourselves. They could never bear to be late. In spite of many times suffering for holding this respected trait. There have been times when a party was supposed to start at a given time and my family has been there only to realize that the even hosts have yet to arrive.

Would I say now being on time is overrated? No!

For being on time is a huge sign of respect. It shows respect for the person who is waiting for you and respect for your own self, for we all are running a hamster wheel that needs us to stick to schedule.

When you are an entrepreneur, managing home, multitasking constantly, wishing the day had 48 hours instead of 24,  you begin valuing your own time like the precious commodity it is. In my case, more so. You manage your time with finesse.

Since I started working for myself, it simply offends me that people today have no respect for the time of another. And believe saying Sorry is all it takes to pacify the troubles and sacrifices I made to manage the same.

The truth is All it takes is valuing your time as well as another.

Teach your children early the art of time management. It is an imperative quality one needs to be on time as well as manage projects and goals that you set for yourself.


Set An Example

Here I am, in all my years as a parent never found my children to be a hindrance in me being on time and yet I hear many parents saying, “Oh! You need to add a 30 mins of being behind to every child you give birth to. ” I am sure the children too consequently begin to feel that it is not a huge concern to be on time either. In a world which is full of people that are never on time, what hope do we have for children who follow such footsteps ?

10 Practical Ways to Teach Kids the Aet of Time Management

Counter Distractions

I see it all the time. You tell children to wear their shoes. They go off doing something else. It happens with us too. We are doing one thing, and yet we find ourselves distracted by a phone call, television or these days, social media. Children need to understand how important it is to work while you work and do the job at hand with a single mind.

Talk to them often that when you tell them to do something, you expect them to first do that. Explain to them that there are distractions all around them.

Do the Math

It is interesting to me, when people feel the circumstances around them are constantly working against them. It is in fact, just a matter of doing the math. If you are going to take x amount of time prepping for an occasion, y amount of time wearing your clothes etc, z amount of time to travel to the location, you need to give yourself x+y+z + a standard buffer amount of time to ACTUALLY get ready so you can BE ON TIME. The buffer can be any thing from 10-20 mins depending on your observation of how often you derail from your planned time.

Explain to your child as the get begin to learn time, why you ask them to get ready at a certain time.

Create a Work List

Every morning wake up to a list of things you need to have done this day. This increases your productivity 25-50%. Organizing your tasks with a list can make everything much more manageable and create a clear path for your day. Seeing a clear outline of your completed and uncompleted tasks will help you feel organized and stay mentally focused.

Kids having a journal is a great way to do this.

Set Priorities

Once your list is made, make sure to KNOW what is essential to do and what is okay to let go of. Follow the ABCDE rule after making your list.

A – Must Do
B – Not Urgent (Great to do but not urgently, can be moved to another day.)
C – Add Ons (Bonus if you get done)
D – Can be Delegated (You can assign to someone else)
E – Eliminate (Often we add things to our list that can actually be cancelled all together)

Of course for a child, A and B are enough. But as we grow and expand our lists we need to remember to assign the above to every item on our list consistently so we can learn how to be effective in working on our list.

Overcome Procrastination

Don’t wait for the last moment to start doing something. Whenever my son gets a project from school, we start prepping for it earlier than later. He always responds with, “But it’s not due TILL … ” and I come back with, ” If you are done with this early, you are free to do other things at the last minute. ” After the first two projects, when he witnessed his friends in class submitting projects early too, he realized how wonderful it is to be done with submissions. So, now he starts planning earlier himself.

Well Begun is Half Done

Speaking of planning, this is so important to do early. Whenever we start a project, we plan the materials we will need, time needed, and ideas early. This helps us a lot in prepping for everything. Be it cooking to party planning to school projects to work related organization.

Let Go of Perfection

This is something I see many adults struggle with. The desire for perfection leads to procrastination and delay in completion of any project. One needs to understand that we need to be okay with something as is. To just start with the project without a desire of perfection or guaranteed rewards. Time management needs us to give grace to ourselves to fail.

Review Your Day

Before sleep every night, we have to make sure we take a few moments to go over all that you did through your day. What held you back, what went wrong in your planning, what worked best towards helping your achieve your goals. This simple habit reinforces your strengths.

Talk to your kids about their day and all they achieved in it. These days many schools help kids set goals and achieve them. Do the same with your child.


Time management is a culmination of all the above. It is so important to be relentless in practicing all the above through out your day, with your child. What works best with any child is consistency and conversations. Talk to them about how discipline is not just one trait that we have. It is a combination of a number of things.

Yes, showing grace to those who are struggling is important. But it is also important to show grace to yourself by being mindful of the one thing that you have NO control over. Time!

What would you add to this list?

To read more such ways to create confidence with a global mindset in your child, read my book. Strong Roots Have No Fear
