If we don’t fall into the materialistic trap, what is Valentine’s Day but another excuse to spend time with those we care the most about. And recognize the love we are surrounded by.Love that celebrates the tantrums, growing pains, and sick days when cooking was forgotten and messy house and hair ruled! What we are doing is marking this day with more memories of time together that make us laugh and our eyes well up with tears.This love is more pure than any other. It takes hard work. Every. Single. Day!In my book Strong Roots Have No Fear, I talk about how important it is for children to see that love is so much more about respect and nurturing. And I wish my kids can see that kind of love, in the people they eventually look towards for support through a lifetime of struggles and triumphs. How will they learn unless we as parents show them that it matters.

So makes this valentines special in these simple ways –
Creative Writing Exercises
Use this time to help your kids build a conversation around growth mindset. Download our free journal for valentines day. Prompts like help build writing skills and conversations around love and self empowerment.
Download our exclusive creative writing printables for promoting a growth mindset .
Handmade Keepsakes Help Practice Creativity and Reading Skills
Fancy gifts have been replaced by keepsakes. Handprints. Footprints. You name it, we have it. Pinterest is full of simple crafts to do with your little ones no matter how old they are.
Simple heart cut out of papers, with loving messages written on them is a great way too. You could also choose to
Make adorable Monster Pom poms
Easy Valentines Pop Up Cards
This year I’m gifting both the kids books I got from the local library sale as they both enjoy reading. Also, I did the thing where I posted a note of what I love about them on their door. We are going to read them all on V-day. It is paramount kids learn early that gifts/acts of care are not about BIG gifts.
Really See Ourselves as Parents
To love another, we need to know ourselves better.
If we want to improve on ourselves, we can only ask our children and they will be happy to tell us.
And who better to give you a real perspective that the little ones who have no filter. Every year I ask my kids questions. I record their answers in a journal or a fancy card that later goes into the journal. Their answers are super cute and so heartwarming to go back to and read. It’s fascinating to see the world as they see it.
- What does dad like to do?
- What’s something mom should do less of?
- What’s something dad should do more of?
- What do you love to do with mom?
As the kids get older, I can make the questions help me see myself in a better light. It helps the kids learn how to self evaluate as well.
A Themed Dinner Builds Cultural Awareness & Cooking Skills
Restaurants everywhere, ANYWAY used to be a hassle. So, every year our meal is home cooked and made fancy for us. Something to a theme, that we can cook together. Discuss different cultural foods and add a twist to dishes you already know. We have been doing a lot of baking: brownies, cakes, cupcakes. Decorating together. Cooking together. Setting the table as a family, are all fun things to do. The kids do whatever they can. We have a blast creating memories while learning kitchen skills.
Plus cooking is a great way to build on math and learning many related skills.
Decorating the Home Helps Organization Skills
I always do a little something to make the home feel a bit more festive. My son is older now, and my daughter has a lot of opinions. So what do we do? We head to the dollar store and brainstorm a few items appropriate for Valentine’s Day. Then we go home and decorate together. Nothing too lavish ever mind you, but I personally enjoy shopping with my little ones. Getting inventive with little is certainly a must have talent.
Games to Bond and Build Sportsman Spirit
We make it a super special night with games. I love playing games with the kiddos. The laughter, hugs, and memories we create as we cheat, lie, and run around are truly priceless. You never feel as young as when you play with little ones and relearn the lessons of life with them. If you like, you can grab our free ebook for games, that can actually be played with anyone in the family.
Games are the best way to bond and build sportsman spirit.
Beats to Your Feet get the Body Moving
We make sure to spend a part of the evening dancing our hearts out. It is so therapeutic. and the kids love getting their wiggles out. When we put on some slow songs, the kids get into the fun and slow dance with mom and dad too. Seeing moms and dads enjoying so with the kids, shows how important activity is to mark the occasion. Equality in genders and how to treat someone you care about is something that comes across in the small things.
Talk About the Four Pillars of Love
Kindness, Actions, Appreciation & Respect
Our celebrations may be a few of these things, or all of these, but sometime during the festivities, we make sure to discuss the four pillars on which all love stands. We converse about what are the different ways we can be kind and show our appreciation for someone. We discuss about the importance of respect and how we can care for our family members and friends. This conversation for sure lasts all year long.
Our creative writing printables help with that for sure.
Wishing you all a wonderful Valentine’s Day as you shower your endearment on those who matter the most.
Share in the comments below how your celebrate this special day.
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