
Milo the Albino Dino – Real Friendship Begins with Acceptance

I am so glad I was lucky enough to grab an ARC copy from the author. What a treat! Milo the Albino Dino is a MUST read for EVERY SINGLE CHILD who may think they are different, which is, let’s face it, us all. It is so important for kids to learn early how to be kind and empathetic. To stand with those who may need us, just because they may be alone. Also, that every single kid has their own unique qualities. This is such a heart warming tale, my kids had me read and re-read it to them multiple times. Thank you to the author for sharing this with us.

With colorful illustrations and vivid story telling, this book is a beautiful addition to any library.

At RaisingWorldChildren.com, we believe in building diversity and inclusion early and we are proud to support the message of this book to reach as far and wide as we can.

No child should ever feel that they are different just because of how they look. It is so essential that every kid knows that they have unique qualities that make them stand out from the crowd by their character and not how they look. Our favorite part of the book HAS to be when Milo uses his best quality to help his friends in the simplest way possible.

Every person can be helpful to others, no matter the age, or stage. A truly remarkable story for every kid!

It would be ideal for any elementary aged kid 3-10.

Book Description

Milo is having a tough time at school. The other kids won’t play with him because he’s an Albino. The longer this goes on, the sadder and lonelier he feels.

When he tells his mom what’s going on at school, she suggests he find a new friend like him. Soon, Milo is on an adventure of a lifetime searching for another Albino dinosaur. After learning about his journey, a few friends join him and discover what genuine friendship, kindness, and acceptance means.

Milo the Albino Dino teaches young children about awareness and acceptance. This book teaches children how a first impression doesn’t represent who a person is on the inside and how to form friendships without bias.
*The book includes a bonus interactive section at the end.

**It’s perfect for children between the ages of 3 and 8 years and recommended by teachers for home-schooling.

Grab the book now – Amazon       /        Author’s Website

About the Author

Tech Marketer by day and writer and musician by night, Dolev has written many short stories. After his first child was born, he started focusing on children’s books, as he gets regular inspiration from his kids. Their imagination takes him back to when he was a kid, connecting between unrelated things and blending them into a story. As a parent, he tries to use that same method and reply it back to kids, each time with a different message that will help them overcome the obstacles of life they have to cope with.
Dolev resides in North Carolina and has a wife and two kids. Read a review for his first book, Far Beyond the Sun, on our book section :
His next three books are in production now:
Painting on a Weasel
Even Monsters Need to Go Potty
My Neighbor Has it All! – About materialism and joy of life
milo the albino dino
Image : via pexels

Get Your Kids Involved With Volunteering

Getting kids involved with volunteering can be easy. You just need to show them how they can make a difference.
Below are four tips to get your kids into it.

Help Your Kids See Other People’s Needs

Get your kids to start volunteering by showing them how many needs others have. Tell them about the homeless and those who don’t have food on their tables. Share stories about children their ages who don’t have the same kinds of advantages as they do, or tell them about the elderly who are lonely in nursing homes. The more you help your kids understand the needs of others, the more willing they will be to volunteer.

Volunteer Together as a Family

The best way to get your kids involved in volunteering is to do it together as a family. Go to the nursing home to visit those who are sad and lonely or pack up bags of food for those in need. Do yard work at someone’s house or find another project that you can tackle as a family. It will feel nice to do something good together.

Find Ways for Your Kids to Use Their Talents

When you want to get your kids interested in volunteering, you need to find a way for them to feel useful doing it. If your kids enjoy writing or drawing, then get them to volunteer by sending cards or letters to those who are lonely. Check out various charities to see what kind of help they need. Figure out what your kids can do best and get them involved with the right charity so that they will feel good about their contribution.

Make Volunteering a Regular Thing and Make It Fun

Make volunteering as a family a regular thing. You can set a good example to your kids by being willing to give some of your time. Find the right charity to give to, such as Give 2 Kids, and work with it as often as possible. Get your whole family involved and have some fun volunteering. Make it a tradition to go out for ice cream afterward or do something else fun together, so that volunteer days will be a good time with your family.

Get your kids involved in volunteering, and they will feel good about themselves. Your whole family can make a difference for those in need. Find the right charity and start giving back.