Here you see two people. One who started excelling in studies after high school. Another who was a topper all through school. Both engineers. One loves coding and works in IT. The other loves writing and is a freelancer providing DFY services to authors.

The leaves of all the trees once colored, fall to the floor and the cycle begins anew.

Then why do we expect more of our children? Pushing them to bloom earlier and earlier? I see kids and parents in the rat race of life, running! Creating a panic.
I am a parent myself and I feel it. I wonder WHY is everyone running? What are they running towards? Should I run and make my kids run to? Will we get something early at the end of it? 

The pressure is enough to break ME, and I worry for the life my children have ahead of them.
And then I remember that the topper in school (me) mostly used to sit in her bed studying all night. It is better to just enjoy the scenery and take things as they come. Allowing our family and my children the time to bloom and enjoy the moments we have together.

We have one life to live
, so do our children. We all will eventually bloom. Shouldn’t we take our time to do so we can be as vibrant and vivid as we were meant to be?

So, if you are a parent feeling the pressure of pushing your kids to BE something MORE, remember they are already someone today. They will bloom into something different soon. Enjoy who they are NOW! For this moment in time will NEVER come back.