
4 Signs Home School Will Work for Your Family

Making the decision to home school your children reaps many rewards, but it also comes with some sacrifice. Because of this, wise families always think about whether or not home schooling will work for their family, before committing to such an endeavor. If you’re in the process of deciding whether or not to home school your kids, then you might want to keep the following four points in mind when you’re making your final decision.

You’re Already Disciplined

Committing to home schooling your children means that you must be disciplined enough to work with them each day, whether you feel like it or not. If you already have a family routine that includes kid-based activities, like regular homework times, soccer, and other activities (and you do them like clockwork), then home schooling will probably work for your family.

The Pandemic Showed You Home Schooling’s Benefits

Maybe you never thought about home schooling your kids but now that you’ve been forced to teach them at home, you find you prefer this style of education better. You have developed a daily rhythm to help them and you keep up with their lessons and school activities. You may have also found that you like the offerings of independent home schooling curriculum companies like CLASS Home schools better than you do the curriculum that your child’s “real” school has. This gives you more control over what your children are learning, which is a bonus, too.

Your Child Flourishes in Home Schooling

Some kids just do better when they’re home schooled. They don’t face the same peer pressure. They learn at a pace that’s good for them and not the whole class. They get more individualized attention at home than they do at school. If all of these things appeal to you, then this is a definite sign that home schooling could be a better option for your family.

You Like the Freedom It Offers

Home schooling provides your family with a lot of freedom. According to Crosswalk, the day is shorter for home schooled kids, which means that they have more time to play, explore, and spend time with family.

It also means that the whole family exists on the family’s schedule instead of on the local school’s schedule. This expands a family’s ability to work when and where they want, to vacation at their leisure, and to experience life at a pace that feels good to them. If this resonates with you, home schooling will likely work for you.


Before you start home schooling your kids, you need to ensure that it will work for your family before you commit to this path. If you’ve read the previous four points and find that you resonate with them, then that’s a good indication that home schooling just might work for your family.