Reading books is amazing. It opens doors, windows and is a peak into worlds and lives you will never live yourself. You can learn new things, imagine cool stuff, and have fun. But not all books are the same. Some books only show only one way of seeing the world and the people in it. That’s one dimensional and can lead to tunnel vision for kids growing up in a mono cultural world. Read Your World is a diverse book event that tackles this problem.
Diverse books are books that celebrate different people. They have different backgrounds, cultures, identities, and opinions. In this essay, I will tell you why reading diverse books is good for you and share a story from when I was a kid.
One reason why reading diverse books is good for you is that they can help you feel what other people feel. This is called empathy. Empathy is a superpower that helps you get along with others and avoid fights. By reading diverse books, you can learn about how other people live, what they go through, what they love, and what they dream of. You can also find out that you have a lot in common with them, even if they look or act different from you. This can help you respect and appreciate the diversity of people and their stories.
Another reason why reading diverse books is good for you is that they can help you feel good about yourself. Self-esteem is how much you believe in yourself and your abilities. It is important for doing well in school, being happy, and taking care of yourself. By reading diverse books, you can see yourself in the books and the characters and feel that you matter and belong. You can also find people who inspire you and show you what you can do. This can help you overcome bad stereotypes and judgments and celebrate your uniqueness and potential.
The seed of diverse books was sown in me every time I read an Amar Chitra Katha or Chandamama or saw stories told by various language speaking people. I felt a connection with the characters . I realized that I was not alone, and that I could be a hero too. I also became more curious and open-minded about other cultures and views, and I started to read more diverse books from different kinds of writers and stories. This helped me grow as a person and as a reader, and I became more confident and prouder of who I was.
I do what I do because I want the world to see stories from MY lens now .I share uniquely told books, help create them and promote other peers doing the same.
To that end, today I bring to you the Read Your World event of the year. An event where YOU get to find diverse books from around the world in ONE place. Register here now.
You can find more details about the event host and other co-hosts here.
I hope you will read more diverse books, and share them with your friends and family. By doing so, you can help make the world a better and more colorful place.
For more info, you can email