Book Review – Vijay Visits a Farm

In the delightful story of Vijay’s First Trip to the Farm, readers are taken on a journey through the eyes of a young boy named Vijay, who embarks on an adventure that is as educational as it is heartwarming. This tale, filled with charm and life lessons, captures the essence of childhood wonder and the simple joys born of new experiences.

Vijay, a curious and enthusiastic boy, steps onto the farm with wide eyes and an open heart. The farm, a place bustling with life, is a world away from the hustle and bustle of city life he knows. Here, Vijay meets Joy, a gentle and wise cow, and Lily, who adds a touch of playfulness to the narrative. These characters aren’t just animals or sidekicks; they are guides who help Vijay discover the beauty of farm life and the profound connections that can be made with animals.

Book Review – 

The story beautifully illustrates how Vijay, initially uncomfortable and unwilling, gradually becomes comfortable in this new environment. Joy, the cow, symbolizes the calm and peace that can be found in nature, while Lily embodies the excitement and curiosity that comes with exploring something new. Through his interactions with Joy and Lily, Vijay learns that life on the farm is not just about hard work; it’s also about forming bonds and finding happiness in unexpected places.

As a parent, I want my child to grow up with a deep sense of curiosity and an open heart, eager to explore the world around them. I hope they learn to find joy in simple moments, like connecting with animals or discovering new experiences, just like Vijay did on his first trip to the farm. Most importantly, I want them to understand that true happiness comes from forming meaningful connections and embracing the beauty of life in all its forms.

This story emphasizes the importance of connecting with the world around us. Vijay’s journey reminds us that joy often comes from stepping out of our comfort zones and embracing new experiences. The farm becomes a metaphor for life itself—a place where every day brings the possibility of learning something new and making meaningful connections.

The narrative is crafted to be engaging for children and insightful for adults. It serves as a gentle nudge to slow down, appreciate the simple things in life, and remember that joy can be found in the most unlikely of places—like a first trip to a farm.

Vijay’s First Trip to the Farm is a gem of a story that beautifully captures childhood innocence and the wonder of discovering new experiences. The characters are endearing, and the lessons about connection, joy, and the beauty of nature are timeless. This book is a must-read for parents and children alike, offering a heartwarming narrative and valuable life lessons. It’s a story that will stay with readers long after the last page is turned, reminding us of life’s simple joys.

Overall, Vijay’s First Trip to the Farm is a story that will resonate with readers of all ages. It’s a celebration of life, connection, and the happiness that comes from opening our hearts to new experiences. Whether you’re reading it to your child or enjoying it alone, this tale will leave you with a smile and perhaps a new appreciation for the world around you.

About the Author


A TEDx speaker, Preethi is passionate about animal welfare and nature. She authored her first book, “The Sacred Bond: Personal Experiences of Cows Touching Human Lives,” which explores the unique connections between cows and people. Inspired by personal experiences, Preethi embarked on a journey to share heartwarming stories of how animals can touch our lives profoundly. Through her writings, she aims to inspire families to build social-emotional connections with animals and in the process, improve human-animal coexistence. Beyond writing, Preethi is an advocate and a speaker on the intersection of personal well-being with animal welfare and environmental conservation. Learn more about the mission of Befriend Cows and how you can help at and @BefriendCows

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