Origami Mini Heart Photo Frame- DIY Fridge Magnet

Origami Mini Heart Photo Frame is a perfect project for kids (and beginner grown-ups, too!). This makes a beautiful last minute gift for Mother’s day too! Haven’t got time to get your mom a gift? Just grab a paper and make this photo frame and gift her with a favorite pic in it, Voila! Addition to this adorable paper gift, paste a magnet in the back side of the frame and make it as a fridge magnet. Wouldn’t be a great idea to record your happy memories in the kitchen?


Let’s get started with the supplies you need:
  • 12×12 cm square patterned paper or origami paper
  • Glue Gun
  • Magnet button
  • Mini square photo
  1. Take a 12×12 cm square paper and fold it all the side to create crease all over the paper.
  2. Now carefully fold the paper and make the photo frame as shown in the video.
  3. Once done, place a square size pic inside the frame.
  4. To make it as a fridge magnet, paste a button magnet in the back side of the frame.

That’s It! A cut photo frame plus a fridge magnet is ready! I am sure this simple yet creative craft will be a great addition to your craft adventures.

We would love to hear from you. Make this and show it off! Email it to us at contact@localhost or upload it on social media and tag us. @passionatemoms,@raisingworldchildren. We would feature the best ones on OUR platform for the world to see!

Origami Mini Heart Photo Frame - DIY Fridge Magnet

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