
Teaching Kids Beauty is as Beauty Does

Fair is lovely! That’s what we grew up with.

The truth is, even today MANY consider being “fair” to being superior. Specially to the older generation in India (I can speak only per my experience), who pass thoughtless comments on everyone’s appearance.

These thoughts have come to me as I made a Tik Tok using Priyanka chopra’s voice ( . Priyanka Chopra herself was part of fairness cream campaigns that she now regrets. Just yesterday, some one commented that some indian jokes do not translate to other languages. I noted, it was because outside of Indian mindset body issues like baldness, being dark, being fat is NOT considered FUNNY. It appalls me how often I hear comments on others’ appearances with no regard for how it makes them feel.

When I go to India, I’m too fat and thus passed comments on , and others in my family are too thin so they are made fun of. And the amount of self deprecating comments I hear by people about their own appearance is CONSTANT! No one seems to remember the effect of such negative self talk has on kids.

THIS is why we need to empower our kids early with body positive conversation and acceptance of all as they are. Read the children’s book How Our Skin Sparkles with your kids.


To help your kids build NEW beauty standards, and accepting themselves as they are, you can find books on our website below.

Body Positive Books That Build Confidence

Beautiful is as beautiful does …

Have you experienced this in your sub Culture ? What has your experience been like ?

Canva - Hands and Pills on White Background

Risks of Teen Addiction and Solutions that Exist

If you’re the parent of a teen, it’s important to be aware of the risks of teen addiction. The problem of addiction affects teens of all socio and economic backgrounds, and understanding the risks and possible treatments can help you take swifter action to get your teenage son or daughter the help that’s needed.

The Mental Health Factor

Teens who suffer from mental health problems are often more prone to addiction. Depression, anxiety and other struggles with mental health can entice more teens to use drugs and alcohol, to try to cope with their mental and emotional anguish. Young people who struggle with thoughts of suicide are also often likelier to fall into addiction.

Societal Influences

Young people are often influenced by their environment even more so than adults, and certain negative influences can increase a teen’s chances of engaging in dangerous practices. If your teen sees their friends using drugs or alcohol, your son or daughter may succumb to peer pressure and start using these harmful substances themselves as a way to feel “cool.” Abuse and bullying are other factors that can lead teens to start abusing substances as a coping mechanism. The problem may be compounded further if a teen sees adults using drugs and alcohol regularly.

Possible Treatment Alternatives

Different treatment methods exist to help teens overcome their addictions, and the right method for your teen will depend on his or her specific needs and the level of their addiction. Some teens have experienced success by completing 12-step programs or other types of outpatient care. Inpatient residential care gives teens with addiction challenges the chance to live in an addiction treatment center while having 24/7 access to care and more intensive therapy options that what most outpatient treatment facilities provide.

The Power of Parental Support

Your support will be paramount to your teen’s recovery. Without the proper parental support, teens often have more difficulties completing their treatment plans and often relapse into addiction. It’s always important to keep an open line of communication so that your teen can talk to you whenever he or she has questions or needs additional support. You should be willing to discuss topics that might be uncomfortable, as these issues may be related directly to your teen’s addiction challenges.

Teens can overcome their addictions more effectively with the right resources and parental guidance. Doing whatever is necessary to curb your teen’s addiction will help your son or daughter lead a healthier life throughout adulthood.