4 Ways to Help Your Child Process Your Divorce

4 Ways to Help Your Child Process Your Divorce

Divorce is often hardest on children, who may feel a lack of control over what happens in their life. After living with both parents for years, it can be devastating to suddenly watch as your home is split into two. Younger children may be confused regarding what divorce even means, and older children may become resentful about the changes that occur in their life. Being aware of your child’s emotional response to the divorce helps you to enact these four strategies that help them process what is happening in positive ways.

Keep Communication Open

Once a divorce is inevitable, most parents sit their child down to have an honest discussion about the future. This is a great way to start off your child’s awareness of the divorce, but it is also important to make it clear that this is not the only and final conversation. During this talk, let your child know that you and the other parent are open to hearing about how the child feels as things progress. Let him or her know that no question is too silly or small to ask, and try your best to respond to each one with understanding. Allowing your child to vent emotions and ask questions helps you stay on top of any new issues that arise.

Seek Help from a Therapist

In some cases, you may not be able to work through this process on your own. Your child may need to talk to another trusted adult, and collaborative therapy provides children with a safe outlet for figuring out how to process their emotions. You can participate in this type of therapy as a family, or your child can attend individual sessions. Either way, giving your child a professional therapist to work with adds new coping strategies to his or her tool kit that helps him or her make it through the transition to having two parents living in different houses.

Be Honest About What Will Happen

You need to establish trust right now, and that means being honest. Your child will naturally have questions about the future such as where he or she will live, how overnight visits will work, and if he or she will have to change schools. If you already know the answers for sure, then tell your child the truth. It is also okay to tell your child that certain things are not decided yet as long as you are willing to communicate once they are decided.

Continue to Check in with Your Child

Your child still needs your support as he or she continues to work through the process of accepting the divorce. Be sure to ask your child how he or she is doing from time to time. Since some children may not reach out, you also need to watch for signs that he or she may be struggling, such as having trouble in school or having a sudden change in friends.

As you help your family navigate their way through this challenging time, remember that things can change rapidly regarding your child’s mindset. Be willing to reach out to your support system if you find that you or your child is struggling. By being proactive, you can make sure that your child emerges from the divorce stronger and with the knowledge that he or she has your support.

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She loves the outdoors and spends most of her time hiking, biking, and gardening. She recommends for businesses to look into IT consultant companies near them. For more information, contact Brooke via Facebook at facebook.com/brooke.chaplan or Twitter @BrookeChaplan

Secret for Social Gatherings Where Kids Interact, Device Free

Secret for Social Gatherings Where Kids Interact, Device Free

You go to a party and witness kids sitting together, each playing on their own device.

What do you do to curb this ?

One simple rule – When you are at a party, no matter how bored you are, no devices. When you are with your friends on a play date , no TV or gadget use..if you want to watch TV, no need to go on play dates or have friends over….Might as well stay at home and do the same by yourself.

PLAY together. inter Act!

(The only time I Do allow my kids is if it’s late in the night at a party and I know they are tired and it will be another 15 mins before we can leave … )

It is just sad to see kids sitting together and busy on devices in stead of interacting and building off each other’s creativity.

Options you can give them, instead of devices are –

  • Create Art
  • Make videos
  • Put up a play
  • Play a board game
  • Charades
  • Pictionary
  • Dance Party
  • Read books together
  • Ice breaking games


Encourage other adults who come to your home to help you in enforcing this rule. Yes, it’s awkward but trust me they will thank you when they see the beauty that comes from the kids play … Last month the kids go bored together and ended up making a play … Other times they play chess … Still others they just sit around and talk while doing their own thing. And learn to talk !

Also, your kids will pester you.  Oh! Yes they will!

Stand strong on this. Specially if they see other kids whose parents let them play on devices at a party. Tell your kids that if you want to play on phone, let’s just go home, else find a way to keep Yourself busy. OR sit with us adults and listen to conversation (for kids 7 and older ) OR take a book to draw in or read in a small bag as a boredom buster.

In my book I have talked in depth about balancing technology and gadget use for kids and teaching kids moderation …

Please let’s raise a generation of kids who interact and are not just using phone for substituting human interaction.

Secret for Social Gatherings Where Kids Interact, Device Free


4 Ways to Instill Healthy Lifestyles for Kids Early

4 Ways to Instill Healthy Lifestyles for Kids Early

No one has energy like a kid. However, in today’s world, they have to be taught to be physical thanks to the magnet that is the internet. If not, your kids may become unhealthy adults. The four physical activities to teach your kids listed below will come in handy when it’s time to get your children on their feet.

Swim Lessons

Teaching your kids to swim will not only keep them physically fit, but it will also keep them safe whenever they are around deep water. Once they know how to swim, then have them swim regularly and with some type of routine. For example, if you go to the pool with your kids for an hour once a week, you can have them do laps for the first 15 or 20 minutes and let them play the rest.


When you take kids hiking early enough in their lives, most of them will develop a lifelong appreciation for nature and the environment; they’ll also get healthier because fresh air and winding hiking trails make for a healthier child. When they’re older, they’ll naturally want to get out into nature and will want to teach their kids the same.

Bicycle Riding

It’s a magic moment when a kid manages to ride a bike for the first time without training wheels. What’s even more magic is when that child develops a healthy habit of bike riding. You want to see your kids on their bikes because bicycles require a fair amount of physical exertion. Taking regular rides with your little ones is a great way to keep them fit. You can also encourage them to join a bicycle club if they really like riding.


You may remember some of the games you played when you were younger like duck-duck-goose and tag. If you do, then you’ll probably also recall how much running around you did and for how long. Games have to power to capture children’s imaginations and suspend them in time while they play. It’s a form of magic if you ask some parents. If your rug rats aren’t already out playing dodge ball, then show them the way to the diamond.

With a little bit of guidance, your kids will be out and about all the time because physical activity is fun, especially when you’re young. However, today, kids have to learn this because the world gives them things to do that don’t require much movement at all.

Make sure to grab our book to help kids build confidence and acceptance early.


cancer care

First Steps When a Loved One Has Cancer

Cancer is a disease that impacts millions of individuals and families alike across the world each year. Whether you or a loved one has recently been diagnosed with cancer, knowing how to face the challenges ahead and make a plan of action is essential. Learn how to care for cancer.

Get Educated

Learning about various types of cancer, stages, and treatment options can go a long way when you or a loved one is diagnosed. When you feel knowledgeable discussing the topic of cancer, facing cancer head-on can feel less tedious, stressful, and daunting. The more educated you become about cancer treatments today and their overall effectiveness, the easier it is to face the obstacles and challenges that cancer poses without feeling defeated.

Discuss Treatment Options

Discuss all of the treatment options that are available for the cancer you or your loved one is trying to overcome. Because not all cancers affect the body in the same way, it is important to research all of your options and various treatments that may be best for you or your loved one, based on your current health and any other conditions you have. Specialized cancer clinics, such as a prostate cancer clinic, can help you find the specific needs for the relevant form of cancer.

Respect Your Loved One’s Decisions

Always respect your loved one’s decisions after they have received a diagnosis of cancer. While it is not always easy to accept that a loved one may not want to seek treatment for late-stage cancers, it is important to remain respectful of their choices and decisions throughout the journey. If you are the one struggling with a cancer diagnosis, you will likely request that your friends and loved ones respect your decisions.

The Importance of Support

Building a support group is one of the most important steps to take when you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer. Mental, emotional, and moral support can drastically improve the healing process and the process of facing cancer treatments such as chemotherapy directly. Always strive to build a support group for yourself or any loved one you know who is undergoing cancer treatments. With a powerful support group, improve your mood and your ability to remain optimistic while fighting your cancer diagnosis at any stage and regardless of your choice of treatment.

Understanding the significance of a cancer diagnosis is imperative whether you or a loved one has recently been diagnosed. Once you have a clear understanding of the cancer you are dealing with, treatment options, and medications available, you can then move forward with taking the necessary actions to help treat it.

Helping Your Child with Autism Cope with a Car Accident

Helping Your Child with Autism Cope with a Car Accident

A car accident is an extremely stressful situation. Having a child with autism can make the situation harder on everyone, but remember that it is always more stressful for your child than you. Here are some of the techniques that you can use in order to help your child cope with the aftermath of an accident.

Keep Your Cool

It can be hard to remain calm following an accident. Becoming stressed yourself is going to make the accident more traumatic for your child. This means that you need to keep your cool throughout the process. If you need to vent about the situation, be mindful about doing so when your child isn’t around. If he or she sees that you’re losing it, he or she is more likely to have a meltdown as well. Keep a level and even tone so that you can reduce the amount of stress that your child experiences. If your child is injured, make sure to explain to the emergency responders and the police that your child has autism, how he or she expresses pain or fear, and whether he or she will be able to respond to questions.


Determine the best way to communicate with your child so that you can alleviate his or her fears. It’s good to have set up systems beforehand so your child knows how to safely express feelings to you, such as tapping your hand instead of hugging or kissing. Your child may have been attached to the car, and if he or she has been injured in the accident, he or she could be having extremely complicated feelings even if these feelings are not expressed in a way you are familiar with. Furthermore, flashing lights, loud noises and other triggers that accompany accidents can be extremely stressful for a child with autism. Employ coping strategies with your child so that he or she can process what occurred and deal with it appropriately.

Use Your Resources

The most inconvenient thing following an accident is having to deal with repairing or replacing your vehicle. This adds stress to an already emotionally charged situation. Also, your child may have difficulty adjusting to a change in vehicle or schedule, so it may be important to you to get your old car back in service quickly. You may want to look into collision repair shops that have a quick turnaround time and certified repairs so that you can get things back to normal. Ask your child if he or she would like to come with you to see the car while it’s in the shop, as this can help your child process the changes in transportation and schedule that could be happening because of the accident. Letting your child have a “sneak peek” of an old or new car will help them prepare for having it reintegrated into his or her daily routine.

Maintain Routine

Stick with your routine so that your child can cope with the trauma of the accident. Your child is more likely to stabilize when things aren’t constantly changing in his or her life. This can be difficult because things are still up in the air in regards to handling the incidentals that go along with a car accident. Try to maintain your normal routine as much as possible. This will help your child to feel more secure with life and more open to discuss emotions.

All children experience trauma at some point in their lives. Use these strategies so that you can reduce the long-term impact that go can along with being involved in a car accident. Remember, however, that your child may not want to talk about or discuss feelings with you, and this is also okay.

Brooke Chaplan is a freelance writer and blogger. She lives and works out of her home in Los Lunas, New Mexico. She loves the outdoors and spends most of her time hiking, biking, and gardening. For more information, contact Brooke via Facebook at facebook.com/brooke.chaplan or Twitter @BrookeChaplan

Helping Your Child with Autism Cope with a Car Accident

More tips to help children with autism here – http://localhost/raisingworld/category/specially-abled/

Mocking Someone's Name is NOT Okay !

Mocking Someone’s Name is NOT Okay !

” Your last name is Singh, so does that mean you sing all the time? “, is mockery my son faced last year during school by his “friends”. Some of it in jest, some in sheer meanness. I didn’t even know about it till months later, after it had stopped.

Our last name in Hindi means Lion. It not only carries my husband’s family name but also carries forward my last name (a name only I from my father’s side carry). It is also a slight miracle because I found a man to marry who coincidentally carries the same last name, which meant I didn’t have to change or amend my name, as is Indian culture.

“What’s in a name ? That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet..” , said Juilet through William Shakespeare’s eyes and yet, the truth name does carry the a lot of weight in a person’s life, derived from significance in the parents’ lives & a legacy of ancestors. And that is why it deserves respect.

Needless to say most people are proud of the legacy our name carries. And that it was so carelessly made light of my children from other cultures is hurtful, not just to my son but to us a family.

When a child is born, parents spend months thinking of just the right name for them. Something that would carry all that we want their legacy to be. A mixture of life experiences, memories and hopes for the future is all held in that one name.

Names carry a lot of meaning, because they carry a lot of thought and love. A parent puts in months, maybe years of memories and a lifetime of experiences into the one person they raise. A last name carries legacy. While both of these are wonderful to have, and not really what define a person, they come to mean a lot to the family.

During the time before my children were born, we went through many, many names not just to do the above, but also to have a name that was easy to pronounce by other cultures. This is often done so we can fit in easier and our children do NOT have to face mockery by name calling or badly made rhymes.

Now, I understand difficulty in pronouncing names. In Kuwait, India, and USA I have been called everything from Adithi, Adeetee, Athithi and more … With different languages having various meanings of the same word and dialects, I get that sometimes people can misunderstand. And the simple fix to that is to correct them, and explain to them meaning or just give them a easy way to remember, like ADT the security system. Genuine misunderstanding can be corrected gently. After all, no one can take offense on unknowingly made mistakes.

But even children can make out when someone is insincere in their jest of one’s name or mispronunciation.

When I found out, my son’s friends had been mocking him I was very curious to know what exactly had been happening. He said it was weeks of teasing before he stopped.

I responded, “People sometimes make fun of things they don’t understand.”

He shrugged his shoulders, “Yeah. I told them what our last name means but they still kept laughing.”

My hand on his, I ventured, ” Then…. what did you do? Ideally you have three choices. You let it go and walk away, you laugh with them or you tell them to make fun of something else . ”

“But moooooooooom, even if they aren’t respecting me. I should be respect them. So, I just let it go. ”

It is these small moments that let me know I am on the right path to teaching them good values and a global mindset. A little thoughtfulness goes a long way in personal growth.

I hope parents out there take a few minutes today to explain to their child that every single person’s was named with a lot of love. That it deserves respect and mocking anyone’s name, first or last is NOT okay.

Originally published on Todays’ Parenting Team website.






Parent-Teacher Communication is the Core of a Child's Success at School

Parent-Teacher Communication is the Core of a Child’s Success at School

For most classroom teachers besides preparing engaging lessons and activities, there is one very important thing they had to prepare during each upcoming school year. And yes — you guessed it — better communication and collaboration with parents. Sure a lot of teachers do everything they can to strengthen the parent-teacher communication, plenty of them admit that they’ve failed at establishing an effective strategy for communicating with parents.

That’s not to say they didn’t try.  Teachers have said that they did have the right goals and intentions — heck some even came up with the perfect method, but at the end of the day many of them didn’t have a clear vision for what an effective communication would look like.

A Strong and Positive Parent-Teacher Communication Is Necessary

A positive and effective relationship between parents and teachers is imperative for the best interest of the students. Strong parent-teacher communication throughout the year is essential for the student’s overall academic success and well-being.

Furthermore, it helps teachers and parents to work together to support a student’s learning and success. Parents can provide teachers with insights about his or her children especially the strengths and weaknesses, which the teachers can utilize to form better relationship and communication with the student.

There have been many reports that reiterate that children whose parents actively participate in their education have a better chance to excel in school.

Here are three steps for teachers to establish an effective and positive parent-teacher communication:

  1. Be Transparent and Determined

Today we live and work in a world surrounded by technology and where information is available and accessible to anyone. Many school districts allow parents to access assessment portals online where they can look up their kids’ data profiles, report cards, and even see their grade books get updated in real-time.

This is extremely useful and it demonstrates how technology can be leveraged to increase transparency in a bid to improve parent-teacher communication. But this doesn’t mean that the parents know everything.


So, there should be some form of direct communication with the parent and teacher. Despite the fact most districts offer parents opportunities to keep track of their kids’ education, a 2017 study conducted by Learning Heroes, a nonprofit organization reported that 86% of parents relied wholly on report cards for their children’s’ educational progress.

What’s more concerning is the fact 9 out of 10 parents surveyed assumed that their children are performing above the average, which is unfortunately not the case according to the collected data.

Teachers should set realistic targets for transparency and encourage parents to look into their children’s education. Progress portals and sites are widely available. Teachers should request parents to get in the habit of checking these portals and websites through the use of links and reminders online or letters sent directly to homes, and demonstrate accessing them in parent-teacher conferences. Some teachers also encourage students to remind their parents to visit the portals and sites frequently.

  1. Use Comprehensible Language

During any kind of communication, teachers should use informal language. You’ve to keep in mind that though many parents have college degrees, not everyone is familiar with educational jargon.

So if you use a word whether in writing or while speaking and the parents have to look up a specific word in the dictionary to find its meaning, you can rest assured that you’ve failed to effectively communicate.

We recommend you use simple, easy-to-understand language, short sentences during all written communication. Be direct and always be respectful and show appreciation for parents. Students come from various cultural backgrounds so be sensitive to cultural differences.


  1. The Parents Are Your Partners.

It’s not uncommon to see teachers sometimes lose sight of what they want to communicate with parents and even sometimes students. Effective and positive communication is not all about updates and reminders; it’s a two-way process.

A communication can only be effective if it helps in nurturing a mutually beneficial relationship. So teachers should remember not only to send information but facilitating channels that empower parents to respond easily

. Phone calls, emails, and messaging applications all work well. Sending biweekly or monthly newsletters about the student’s overall performance and educational activities also work great.

As we are living in a multi-cultural and globalized world, sending SMS messages with translation features will overcome any language barriers hence fostering a much stronger and productive relationship between the teachers and parents. This approach not only starts conversations, but it also sends a message to parents that you do care about students and what happens in the classroom.


4 Tips for Finding Extracurriculars For Your Kids in a New City

4 Tips for Finding Extracurriculars For Your Kids in a New City

Childhood is a critical stage. It’s a time for development. It’s a time for wonder. It’s a time for education as well. If you want your children to make the most out of their lives, it can help to expose them to all sorts of recreational activities. That’s why it may be time to relocate to a city that gives kids an abundance of activity options. Finding a city that’s in this category doesn’t have to be tough.

Ask Around

You may be spending all your time looking for homes for sale, but you should also be looking out for recreational activity options. You can initiate this process by asking around. If you know fellow parents anywhere, ask them if they’re aware of places that present youngsters of all ages with exciting, exhilarating, and energizing extracurricular pathways.

Search the Internet Diligently

There are all sorts of information resources online accessible to people who are considering all of their relocation options. If you want to find a city that’s kid-friendly, the Internet can point you in the right direction. There are many message boards on the Internet that discuss cities that are all about recreation and the young crowd. If you can’t easily find an answer, you may want to start a forum thread yourself.

Speak with a Knowledgeable Real Estate Agent

Real estate agent consultations can often help parents who want to discover communities that are suitable matches for their children. It doesn’t matter if you want your kids to participate in basketball, painting sessions, gymnastics, or anything else.

Speaking with a real estate agent may help you greatly. Real estate agents know a lot about cities and all that they have to offer residents. They can talk to you about everything from educational institutions and recreation to average monthly mortgages and even dining establishments.

Read Books about Cities

Check out your community library. Head to the nearest shopping center and browse any bookshops there, too. You may just discover books that revolve around specific cities. Reading books may help you figure out which cities are the best option for your kids and for your lifestyle. Ask people you know if they have any book suggestions for you.

Relocating to a brand new city in the company of your kids can be a joy. It can be particularly joyous for parents who are 100 percent prepared. Your terrific kids deserve to live in a place that’s a haven for recreational options of all varieties.

4 Ways to Develop Cognitive Skills For Kids in an Entertaining Way

4 Ways to Develop Cognitive Skills For Kids in an Entertaining Way

Raising kids is a long-term investment, and it can be pretty difficult at times. Sometimes adults don’t realize that parenting can be fun for kids and their caregivers. With a little thought, parents can help their kids develop their mental and physical skills in entertaining ways. This infuses daily activities with creativity and wonder. In turn, this teaches children that these are the qualities of a rich and full life. Developing cognitive skills is part of the job kids do; supporting them in their growth is the job of parents. Here are four ways to infuse more creative entertainment into your kids’ cognitive growth.

Music and Poetry

Kids love to sing and dance. They learn through lyrics and rhythm. Expose them to Chopin at bedtime and your favorite boy band while in the car. Counting songs, songs about emotions, and silly songs all teach children. They can learn how to moderate emotions, how to name animals, and how to occupy themselves in a self-reliant way.


A nurturing home includes two-way conversation. It can be difficult to gauge which stage of cognitive development a child is at, so knowing your child is crucial. Let kids choose topics and develop opinions. They can listen to your old family stories. Open-ended conversation can be about the books you read together or the walk you took that day. Everything is new to kids, so few topics are boring to them.

Kids learn through conversation just how much they are respected. They learn to show respect as well. They learn about the big world, and they let a trusted adult into their little world. Adults can see both the successful development and those areas where kids need extra support.


From outside games to Kontu, parents can challenge kids. They can help their children practice numbers and take turns. Children can experience what it feels like to win graciously and lose patiently. Online games and outdoor activities promote eye-hand coordination and fill an afternoon with quality learning time.

Good Health in Mind and Body

A tired or hungry child finds it hard to advance in their cognitive development. Parents can establish routine sleep patterns and ensure the best nutrition possible. They can also provide a safe learning environment. This is an essential step in allowing kids to reach their full potential as they grow physically, emotionally, and cognitively.

As a parent, helping your child develop cognitive skills is one of your most important jobs. Use the above four tips to teach your children in a creative and entertaining way.

4 Services You Need for Your Family’s Next Road Trip

4 Services You Need for Your Family’s Next Road Trip

A road trip is a great place for family bonding because you’re traveling in close quarters together. You’ll discover fun landmarks and natural wonders along the way. Be prepared before you turn on the ignition so you get the most out of the journey.

Plan Your Route

So you’ve decided to hit the open road. Research the path first. Where do you hope to end up? What attractions would you like to see along the way? Getting everyone’s input makes the experience more fun. You have something to look forward to. Don’t forget to include regular rest stops and a list of hotels for longer trips. Add emergency care rooms to the list just in case. Schedule your trip in the off-season if at all possible. You want to get the most out of your road trip without too many other tourists in the way.

Insure Your Vehicle

Your existing policy should largely cover you if you are using your own car for the trip. Talk to your provider, whether LA insurance or another company, about potential additions. They can tell you if your in-state coverage will still work if you’re crossing several state boundaries. There are also some companies that will give you greater roadside assistance if you need to be towed.

Get a Tune-Up

You don’t want your engine to stall out or suffer a flat tire halfway through the trip. Take your vehicle to your regular mechanic. They can replace broken or damaged parts. It is especially critical to change your vehicle’s engine oil. Long travel puts stress on your car. Refill any fluids like brake fluid and coolant. Updating your air filter improves air circulation and prevents your car from feeling stale. Double-check the car lights. You want to be able to signal for help if you get stuck in unfamiliar territory.

Create an Emergency Bag

A first aid kit is a great place to start. This should include standard items such as band aids, gauze, and disinfectant. You will need to expand your existing supplies for longer trips. Pack hearty foods: no chips here. Aim for granola bars and trail mix instead. If you are using an RV that has a refrigerator your food selection will be a bit wider. Use it to store lots of water and milk if your family likes it.

Once everything is in place it’s time for the next important step: to get excited!

Drop the Dependence: How to Help Your Teen Get Over Their Addiction

Drop the Dependence: How to Help Your Teen Get Over Their Addiction

We’re currently in the midst of an addiction epidemic in the United States, and unfortunately, many young people are beginning to abuse substances at a younger age than ever before. It wasn’t long ago when the worst substances parents had to worry about their teens using were alcohol or marijuana. Today, more and more young people are experimenting with harder drugs as well as addictive prescription medications, but the good news is that there are ways to help your teen get over their addiction.

Catch the Addiction Early

Addiction is a progressive illness, and this is why those who have had an addiction for years can often struggle to maintain their sobriety. As a parent, the first thing you need to do is learn the signs of addiction in teens. These include changes in your child’s behavior, interests, attitude, and social circle. It can be troubling to learn your child has an addiction, but it’s not the end of the world. Since your teen is early on in their substance abuse, they have a less severe form of addiction, and this means they have an extremely high chance of recovery and living the life that they deserve. It may be easy to turn to anger and blame your teen or yourself for the addiction. However, that anger is unhelpful. The best thing you can do for your child is to intervene as early as possible and get your child professional help. Getting your child professional help will give them the opportunity to discover why they’ve been turning to drugs or alcohol in the first place and how they can manage life in a much healthier way.

Understand Addiction

For some parents, getting help for their son or daughter can be extremely difficult because of the misconceptions about addiction. Some parents believe that by getting their child help for an addiction they’re admitting that they somehow failed as a parent. This couldn’t be further from the truth. It’s important to understand that addiction is a powerful disease, and there are a wide range of factors that can lead a person to abuse substances.

Get Your Teen Professional Help

If your child was struggling with a physical illness, you would get them help from a professional, and it’s just the same as when they’re struggling with an addiction. By getting your child professional help, you are doing all you can to help your child move past this struggle into a brighter future. Addiction counseling for teens allows your child to work with a trained professional who specializes in working with young people who struggle with addiction. Many young people feel far more comfortable opening up to an addiction counselor rather than their parents. Over time, as they continue to recover, you’ll be able to be much more involved, and your whole family will begin to heal.

Work with Your Whole Family

As addiction has far reaching affects, you should strive to learn more about how it affects your child as well as the rest of your family, so that you will be better able to help your teen at home. Reassure all your children of your love and support and work with them so that they know that they can come to you when they are struggling. You may want to consider seeking out family counseling services at least for a while to keep your family solid and able to work together.

While your child is learning how to manage their life in a new way and build better relationships with you and your family as well as themselves, you’ll also learn more about how you can support your child in their recovery to create a brighter future.

Grab Our Book Strong Roots Have No Fear

Help Your Child Build Confidence & Global Awareness

Canva - Facade of old imposing medieval fortress

Top 10 Fun Loving Places for Kids in India

India is a place of varied landscape and with the diversity in landscape comes the unmatched scenic beauty associated with the country. From the lofty Himalayas in the North to the deserts in the west to the coastal cities throughout the countries to the hill stations on the Western Ghats, the country has everything which you look for in a tourist destination.

However, when it comes to choosing a tourist destination in India to go with kids, it becomes a head ache for most of the parents. Most of the beautiful places you want to visit with them come with an added problem of tough travelling schedules. Here we bring you a list of places from within the countries which can act as great tourist destination as well as learning experience for the kids.

  1. Kashmir, Jammu and Kashmir

Dal lake, Photo by confused_me, CC0 1.0

Often referred to as ‘Heaven on the Earth’, the lofty Himalayas present their majestic view in the state. The northernmost part of India is full of exotic places which can be enjoyed with the kids and will also give them a testimony of how beautiful the nature is. The kids will get to learn about the lifestyle of Kashmiri people, how they work hard to earn their living and their love for motherland. Overall, it will be a memorable experience for your child.

  1. Darjeeling, West Bengal

Himalayan toy train, Photo by donvikro, CC0 1.0

On the Eastern-most part of the great Himalayan Range is situated the beautiful hill-station Darjeeling. Located in Northern-most part of the West Bengal, the ease with which you can travel to this place is commendable. Add to that the scenic beauty, the vast stretch of tea-gardens, the opportunity to watch the glowing Himalayas and majestic sunrise and your child will never say no to this trip. There is added bonus of the memorable Toy Train journey.

  1. Manali, Himachal Pradesh

Ski center, Photo by punit-sharma, CC0 1.0

The snow-clad mountains and amazing scenes of greenery will welcome your child when you take him to Manali in the hilly state of Himachal Pradesh. they will get the chance to look at nature in a completely different way from what they see living in metro cities. They can enjoy snow scooter, mountain biking, skiing and many such sports which they have seen in television till now. The experience will remain etched in their memory for very long time.

  1. Rann of Kutch, Gujrat

Ran Utsav, Photo by rannutsavonline, CC0 1.0

The wide stretch of desert is a must-go place in Gujrat. The varied art and culture, the camel rides, the local music and dance will tempt you to visit this place with your child. Our geography books make great attempts to describe the cultural diversity of our country, so why not give your child a lively example of the same? The child will love this trip and will have a lot to share with his friends about the trip.

  1. Gaya, Bihar

Mahabodhi temple, Photo by Matt Stabile, CC BY 2.0

The land which gave India its first President is not often looked as an Ideal place to take your child. However, the historic importance of Gaya is such that you will be tempted to take your child for a trip to the place. This place was once the center of power for rulers like Chandragupta Maurya and Ashoka and has witnessed rise and fall of many great Kingdoms. It is also the place where Buddha was enlightened and that makes it a religious destination of Buddhists. You would definitely want your child to see the great tree under which Siddhartha became Lord Buddha.

  1. Puri, Orissa

Jagannath Temple, Photo by BOMBMAN, CC BY 2.0

Although the city is most famous for the Jagannath Temple, it is a coastal city which boasts of some of the cleanest beaches in India. Don’t worry if you are not a Hindu, you can tell your child about the architectural beauty of different temples and monuments you visit in the city. Overall, your child will have many memorable memories if you take him on a trip to Puri.

  1. Aurangabad, Maharashtra

Ellora caves, kailashnath temple, Photo by Arian Zwegers, CC BY 2.0

The land of Ajanta and Ellora caves, Aurangabad is a good place to give your child a realistic view of what he has studied in his history books so far. The place with some great monuments like Bibi ka Maqbara and arguably the greatest piece of Indian architecture, Ajanta and Ellora caves, will leave your child in awe. You can go to see the Kham River to cap-off your trip. Your child will have great memories of the trip and that makes it a must visit place for him.

  1. Jaisalmer, Rajasthan

Puppets, Photo by Jason Rufus, CC BY 2.0

The Land of Royalty, the land of Kings and the land of rich cultural heritage, Jaisalmer is one of the most visited tourist destinations in India. The Camel Rides and the Heritage hotels accompanied with soothing folk music is more than enough to make a place in your child’s mind. You can see some of the old forts and again, you can teach him some of his history lessons in most practical way. This makes the place a must visits for kids.

  1. Rameshwaram, Tamil Nadu

Ramar padham, Photo by Arun, CC BY 2.0

The centre of religion and abode to one of the twelve Jyotirlingas, the religious place earns a place in this list because of its historical importance. With all the parts of the city related to the stories of Ramayana, your child may learn a lot about his religion and his inclination can be increased towards religiousness (if you want it to be). Add to it the beautiful beaches without any nudity and perfect for family time and Rameshwaram makes a perfect place to go on a tour with your child.

  1. Andaman Islands

Cellular jail, Photo by Ankur P, CC BY-SA 2.0

A place for kids, young guns and old people, Andaman is evergreen place for the evergreen people. From being the island of ‘Kaala Paani’ to being one of the most visited tourist destinations in India, the place has seen it all. You can take your child to cellular jail and tell him the stories of freedom fighters and how hard they worked to win the freedom that we are enjoying today. There can also be a lot of adventure activities and the child will get a good read of nature’s wonder. So, it’s a great place to take your child to.

Author’s Bio:

A traveler with great knack for visiting places of historical and religious importance, Rohit likes to compile various lists from the places he has visited. You can find his lists on Trans India Travel.

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10 Strategies for Cyber Bullying Prevention

10 Strategies for Cyber Bullying Prevention

In 2006, Megan Meier hung herself in her closet, just days before her 14th birthday. The middle schooler had been the victim of a cyber bullying scheme cooked up by an adult neighbor and her daughter in the neighborhood. They created a false boy on MySpace, “courted” Megan, and then turned on her with awful statements and ridicule.

According to the CDC, suicide is the third leading cause of death for 15 to 24-year-olds. Many of these suicides, of course, relate to depression and other mental illness, but a significant number are the result of bullying and, more recently, cyberbullying. Students identified as “targets” by bullies include those who are in the LGBT community, those who are introverted and withdrawn, those who are considered “nerds,” those who are not considered “attractive,” or those who pose a “threat” to a group of peers because they have looked, talents, etc. of which that group is envious.

The problem with cyberbullying is that it can be anonymous. There are also no time limitations, so it can continue all the time, especially when bullies act as a group. And the bullies have less inhibition when they carry out their activities online rather than in person – they can thus be more aggressive.

Some Strategies That Can Help

Bullying will never be completely eradicated because bullies have certain emotional conditions that will not be eradicated. A child who is bullied at home, for example, may easily become a bully at school; a child who has a deep-seated lack of self-esteem may join a group of bullies and participate in making himself feel better. It becomes a pattern of behavior and often continues into adulthood.

So, what can be done to prevent it? While this is a field of ongoing research which is still incomplete, here are some strategies that may help.

  1. Start early with education and training. Kids need to know early on that cyberbullying is not “cool.” Many school districts are bringing older students into classrooms – students that younger kids will look up to – to talk about cyberbullying. When the captain of the high school football team arrives in a 3rd-grade class, kids will sit up and listen.
  2. Use videos and statements of celebrities who have joined the anti-bullying campaigns. Kids will certainly relate to someone like Justin Bieber. Do some research and find out what celebrities are seriously involved in anti-bullying and use their statements.
  3. Dominika Carver, an educational blogger for Canada-Writers suggests making cyberbullying a part of a larger curricular program on Internet use and safety. “At the end of the unit on cyberbullying, have students sign a pledge not to engage in any type of bullying, including cyberbullying. This pledge should be signed every year.”
  4. Students, as they move into middle and high school, need to be made aware of both the psychological and legal consequences of bullying. Many states now have laws with penalties for juveniles and for adults who engage in cyberbullying.
  5. Involve parents: when cyberbullying is discovered, parents need to know. There are steps they can take at home. Victims must block any bullies immediately. In fact, in a recent study 70% of teen victims stated that when they blocked the perpetrators, even the face-to-face bullying stopped. When a victim takes steps to stop being a cyber victim, the bully gets no satisfaction from his/her actions and is less prone to be aggressive in person.
  6. Treat bullies firmly but also understand that they have emotional issues that result in this behavior. Intervening with consequences should also come with help.
  7. Continue to read the research. Teachers and parents both should read all they can about the issue and take suggestions from all sources that might provide help to stop cyberbullying.
  8. Assign essays about the topic. Students can read or view stories related to cyberbullying and respond to them in a written piece. High school and college writing can include research papers on the topic.
  9. Respond immediately to both victims and bullies in the cyberbullying cycle. This will demonstrate that there is a zero-tolerance policy for the actions and that you will intervene. This also provides some sense of security to the victim to know that there are empathy and support.
  10. Victims need to know that there is someone in their home, school or even church environment within whom they can confide in confidence. That person must empathize of course but also be prepared to give that victim-specific strategy to deal with the bully. Responding in kind generally does not work. Ignoring by blocking takes some power away from the bully. This is a hard thing to do because victims can become anxious about not knowing what is being said, but over time this dissipates, and the bully cannot achieve his/her goal.

There will always be bullies of every age. They need help, and many will neither seek nor accept it. That is their choice. The choice of the victim, with lots of support, is to ignore, to not respond, and to have an outlet to express their anger, their sadness, and their anxiety.

Find more ways to balance kids and technology in the book

Strong Roots Have No Fear


3 Fun Activities to Help Refine Motor Skills in Kids With Cerebral Palsy

3 Fun Activities to Help Refine Motor Skills in Kids With Cerebral Palsy

As the parent of a special needs child you know better than anyone the challenges that come with harboring skillsets to set your child up for as much autonomy as possible. Every child and their needs are different. You’ve been to countless doctor visits, done all the exercises, physical therapy treatments and are wondering for less clinical ways to help your child find a sense of normalcy.
These are some fun activities that while at first may seem far-fetched, will not only harvest repetitive motor skills and act as a sort of physical therapy, but will also give a sense of belonging. However their performance is, showing up and trying will help them gain more and more control of their motor skills each day.

Video Games

As a parent of several children you probably have to limit TV and video game time for your able bodied children. Most parents think of video games as something fun at best. However, research has shown that in 4 out of 7 home-based studies aimed to promote upper-limb/extremity function they were able to improve the function and mobility playing Nintendo Wii Sport Resort Games. The training lasted for 6 weeks. Kids played for at least 40 minutes a day 5 days a week and had comparable results to children who had resistance training mimicking the same movements as the Wii play.  Similar studies have been dine with Xbox 360 VR games. Even traditional controller games from Street Fighter to Final Fantasy help promote finger dexterity.

Some children with CP may have trouble making friends and socializing. Often schedules are filled with school, doctor visits, an array of different therapists and kids can spend more time with adult professionals than with kids their age. This play-therapy can help them regain some of their childhood. Other kids with CP may be extremely social and everybody’s friend. This is another way that you can let them hang out and socialize while they are getting therapy done. Even if unconscious. Either way, it’s a win-win. You don’t get to be the bad-guy for saying they can’t play with friends because they need therapy, they get to play, and you know they’re getting therapy anyways.

Musical Instruments

Music is a human art form that transcends language, cultures, and time. It has been part of the human experience ranging from religious rites, entertainment, and even therapy. Whether you’re looking for euphoria or relaxation, music can take you there. This is one of the reasons why kids with CP have structural changes in regions of their brains that deal with movement with they are moving to music.

Researchers have said that training musically not only has may attributes that ideal for sensorimotor rehabilitation, but finger and hand coordination as they sync audio, visual and sensory information.  According to cerebralpalsynewstoday.com “Another study let 18 children and adolescents, ages 6 to 16, receive individual piano training for 18 months. The study showed that the variability of their keystroke timing was reduced. Furthermore, connections between the patients’ cerebellum and primary motor cortex — the main region of the brain that deals with movement — improved, compared to those who received conventional therapy.” So, buy your kid a keyboard. Let them play and learn at their own rate or enroll them in a local band. You’ll be surprised when after lots of hard work they perform a flute solos at a concert and you realize the therapy and music made an impact.

Martial Arts

It may be hard to think of your child doing a high kick and breaking boards when in the back of your mind you worry about them when they try to run or walk. However, that’s part of the beauty of removing limitations and expectations from what your child with CP can and can’t do. The reality is that it can vary person to person and change throughout their lifetime. Let them lead their own pace, interests, and as a parent you can do your job in supporting them.  Martial arts teach endurance, patience, strength, self-control, practice, and pushing past your old physical limitations. These are all skills that can help them far beyond the mat.

Your family will filled with joy wearing matching  Jiu Jitsu shirts as you attend their local championships or cry remembering when they couldn’t walk straight as you see them get a black belt.   Many working adults with CP choose martial arts as a form of non-traditional occupational therapy. There is a sense of accomplishment that comes with overcoming the challenges that come with teaching your body new movements and to push past your thresholds. Luckily, your kid has a lifetime of experience over many able-body individuals already doing so.

There are plenty more activities that can have the duality of entertainment, therapy, social network and provide a sense of belonging and accomplishment. These are some of the ways that all of your children can interact and grow closer to each other.  When they grow older they won’t look back at this time spent together as helping their sibling with their motor skills or therapy, they’ll just remember the fun memories made along the way.

How to Make a Vacation with Kids Feel Like a Vacation

How to Make a Vacation with Kids Feel Like a Vacation

When planning a trip with children, it can sometimes feel like the less you plan, the better. If you come up with a detailed schedule that you are determined to stick to, you are bound to be disappointed. There is always a moment, for me at least, when I seriously contemplate letting the kids run around said city and letting them stop at anything they deem interesting enough. Which would end up with us eating ice cream approximately eight times in one day, spending 4 hours at the Children’s Museum and splashing around in an old puddle with questionable organisms floating on top.

I will not pretend to have traveling with kids all figured out. I am a believer that it is borderline impossible for travel to be completely stress free. I am simply here to offer some recommendations that have made my travels a little easier, and allowed me to make peace with the fact that I will never do it perfectly.

My #1 Tip?

Pick one-three activities or sights, depending on the length of your trip, that you absolutely want to see and do and pick times for those to happen. Make reservations when necessary and possible, and know that you have a loose structure for your upcoming trip. In the event you have some free time, and no one is crying or hungry, you now have the ability to fill that time in with whatever you please!

You should also allow yourself extra time with everything. When driving, you will have to take bathroom breaks and at certain stops, there will likely be distractions. Be sure that you account for this extra time that you will need. Don’t be disappointed if the trip doesn’t go according to plan. Spontaneous trips can be even more fun, and you might end up trying things that you never expected to discover.

When traveling with kids, you must know what to pack. It is important to not overpack and must haul items around unnecessarily, of course, but you must also pack everything that you need. It is helpful to create packing lists ahead of time and to print two of them out. The first can be for the initial packing, and the second can be for the return trip to make sure that you have everything.

The most important thing to remember to pack is a supply of snacks. When traveling in the car, it is helpful to bring a bag full of snacks to keep everyone energized. It is also important to pack snacks when traveling by plane to keep everyone going through the flight. Be sure that you pack entertainment, bathroom supplies, clothes, first aid supplies, and any items that will be needed during transportation.


If you are going on a trip that requires a flight it can especially be stressful and require a lot more planning. When flying with kids everyone needs especially when you are responsible for several people. Even just going through security can take a lot out of you…and don’t even get me started on delays. I found a list of the least stressful cities to fly to, and now work to ensure if we have a layover or are going to one of these places we make every effort to use these airports. They are more family-friendly than others and go above and beyond in serving their customers.


You know your family better than anyone, so you will know how to optimize your vacations. Just keep these tips in mind when planning your next trip and destination! Bottom line; planning, research and being proactive will always make for a low stress trip. As always, share how  you keep vacations with your children as stress free as possible- it truly takes a village!

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