
I am the Foreign Mom

I am exactly that. Foreign in my own country, and Alien in this foreign country that I Live.

I have many names.. Mom, wife, daughter, sister, but the name ALIEN pricks my heart.

I am the foreign mom ,who wishes her own mom was close by for comfort, when life doesn’t sail smooth.

I am the foreign mom ,who is lonely even with the virtual closeness of social media.

I am the foreign mom ,who behind the facade of big house, mowed lawn,would give up anything just for a day in her own humble home.

I am the foreign mom ,who smells the earth of her homeland whenever it rains.

I am the foreign mom, who remembers the gushing wind on the face when sitting on a window seat of the train ,while travelling in a comfortable car on a smooth road in this country.

I am the foreign mom who celebrates festivals only on a weekend at a party.

I am the foreign mom who feels sorry for my children that dont know the feel of growing up around their cousins.

I am the foreign mom whose social media profile filled with beautiful landscapes of this foreign country , flips through her old photo albums  with a knot in her throat.

I am the foreign mom who fears her children might never fully appreciate their roots ,for all they get to see are the colourful fruits .

I am the foreign mom who is living in this dreamland,  dreaming to go back home one day.

  Mathangi is a mom of two boys. She is a full time mom living in Cyprus. She enjoys learning new languages , reading and photography. She has recently ventured into blogging on parenting and motherhood. She believes that a happy child makes a happy world and every child deserves to be respected for their choices.