
10 Tips to Minimize Your Daily Challenges in Virtual Learning

Is your school shifting to virtual learning? Here’s what you need to know.

The hop to home schooling during the start of COVID-19, lock down and all was challenging to say the least. It took me time to find my footing and when I did, I chose what to remove from our agenda of the day. We completed school with the lessons that were supposed to be finished, within framework but without focusing on the details of the class.

Which brought me to pen down the lessons and prep work I would be doing for the upcoming virtual school learning that my home will be adopting.

Now, before you look at my tips, I want to ensure that you know  what kind of mom I am. I identify as a mompreneur, ie I work from home which means I have the luxury to choose what our days look like. That also means I am in charge of everything, groceries, home, kids classes, cooking and all in between.

That being said, I had a lot of plans for the second half the 2020 most of which will be taking a back burner. Which brings me to the first point, which I think needs to be said.

Reduce Your Own Work Load

I need to plan for what of my every day, I need to remove. My work on RWC and as an author/entrepreneur means I am on call 24/7 and work whatever hours my kids and life allow me. I was supposed to start a podcast and ramp up my book publishing services and book.

This does not apply to working moms who are not in control of their day job’ requirements but it does apply to at home work that needs to be done and self appointed goals. Go through all your work and mark down what you can do without. Lighten your load and prioritize your daily goals as to what you can do without and what you can let go of. Meal prep will be a life savior.

Have a Working Space for Your Kids and You

You are going to be driven to make a space that’s happy and conducive to learning. Remember though, you want to make a space that is happy for you too. A space in which you can do your work  or read or do whatever jobs that you an do which the kids are in their space, listening to teaches. Things you will need are a small shelf for library, stationary, two kinds of seating for learning with laptops or learning devices and options for room change for both kids. But also think for yourself, plants, your favorite blankets, a charging station, some snacks at hand every morning.

Schedule Your Day Before and After

The good part of the virtual schooling system will be that the day will be that their days will be pre planned but make sure just like with the bus coming, your time to wake up and going up to school beginning is planned out the same day. Have a schedule for after school because the kids ARE going to be cranky after the first few weeks of sitting all day. Getting them to do any home work or extra school work or classes is going to be tough going.

Involve Kids in the Plan

I am not usually one to ask kids for what they like to do but I do talk to them about different ways that could work for them. I plan to discuss with them the kinds of breakfast they would like to have, the books we want to be reading, the activities we want to participate in and what their day hsould look like after the school day is over.

Allow for Flexibility

It’s going to be a difficult time when you begin so don’t stress out. Have your meditation and cooling methods in place because if you stress, it will translate. Remember you need to anticipate the adjustment Period, give room for errors and letting go of that which simply does not work for your family (and you can allow leeway for).


Sitting for hours on the laptop is not going to be easy. Even half the time. So, remember to give them the rewards they so deserve to be troopers. As simple as a point system to earn bigger treats. Or let them learn to reward themselves for jobs well done. A great opportunity to become independent for kids.


Not just for the body. Remember to have a plan to have kids exerices eyes, facial muscles, back. Print out sheets of exercises and keep them where kids can see so they get those eyes moving and back stretched out. That’s why I mentioned two  – three options to sit coz going in their bodies are not going to happy with the long hours.

Extracurricular Device Rules

Now comes the tricky part. With them being all devices all day it is going to be tough call but you need to have rules strictly in pace for how much total device time they can have. Currently my kids get a total of 6 hours of device time for games and friends in a week, excluding TV or movie time here or there. I see this reducing a lot when virtual schooling starts coz I staying away from screens is going to be crucial for personal development.

Planned Time with Friends

Yup. It’s lockdown but I think some socially distanced reading time with friends or a walk or a trip to a local park just to sit around and discuss things in the week day would be great for kids to – 1. get some outdoor sun time 2. socialize so they don’t get lose their skills.

Keep Things Light

During everything, remember, these are unprecedented times and you are doing the best you can. Remember to laugh a lot, capture moments, spend time together and let kids know they are appreciated for trying to do their best.

A situation that is new to you calls for you to understand that it is hard for all involved, specially the kids. Talk to them about being a team and working through the challenges together.

You got this !

Grab my award winning parenting book FULL of conversation starters to help kids be confident in their decision making skills and rooted in values, all with a global mindset.



Have the Period Talk for Inclusion and Empathy

“Auntyji”, “Chums”, “Aurton wali problem”, “those days” …

It’s interesting how even today many cultures , specially South Asians will not say periods let alone talk about them.
They still carry around the stigma attached to periods and the myths surrounding them.

In olden times women in India were given those 4-7 days OFF so they could finally relax from all the house work. They were kept out of the kitchen, even house in some rural areas. Houses were joint family so they could afford to have ONE women out of circulation at the time.

Today, imagine if every month, I stayed in a room. Who would take care of my family, my obligations?

We as a culture have been split into TWO thoughts.

Those who now include girls even after they “mature”. Many households have girls participate in traditions. Plus with nuclear families, I personally would hate my daughter or ANY daughter be excluded on this sole criteria.

Others prefer you not for personal reasons or traditional values which of course be respected as well.

This, of course is more about personal choice but I bring forward this topic today to have that conversation with your daughters about their periods and respecting others’ choices. With kids as young as 10 hitting puberty, it’s important to teach them acceptance that school won’t.

We don’t want to raise a generation divided that goes , “Hawww! Why did you come ?? ‘ OR ” I will do what I want regardless of your personal beliefs.”

Also that most girls experience this universal situation in different ways each month. I lived in a girls hostel and it was incredible that not one person had the.exact same symptoms as myself.

Let’s teach them to be kind and understanding, specially welcoming to guests. Or it ostrcize someone on this basis.

Let’s talk to our daughters before the school so it’s not a HUGE surprise. Let’s not assume our daughters have “grown up” just because they body is. They are still little with a lot to comprehend. Let’s prepare them for a lifetime of pain.

I still remember my first day. A surprise to say the least. Just blank acceptance of 7 days of Horrible pain and discomfort going forward. I am so glad TODAY there ARE resources to support us during our hardest days of the months. Educate yourself to empower your girls. Boys too

Have you had the discussion with your kids ? Would you talk to your boys?


When Your Child Loses a Pet

My eyes just swelled up when I started typing this. It’s been a little over 3 years that we lost our chirpy wagger, Tusky, a Pomeranian to an illness which rapidly overwhelmed her ever-so-energetic body.

The grief, the emptiness is still very fresh. We lost our pet when my now feisty 5-year-old was very little and understandably she has feeble memories of Tusky. Sometimes, she would see a picture and ask a few questions about her and why she is not around, questions, answers to which are not as simple as, ‘why does grandpa not have any hair’, jolts me out of my comfort zone.

I have been elusive to such questions as to what happened to Tusky or why is she not around. I have always shuddered when I thought how the young impressionable mind of a 5-year-old would react had we lost Tusky now. And as is said, whatever you try to shove beneath the carpet the most, might suddenly come and stand in front of you. Somebody said it so very bang on! My daughters’ friend from preschool very recently put their 10-year-old dog to rest and the news percolated to my girl. What started off as our effort to divert her attention from the grim realities of life to building the new LEGO bridge, took our family of 3 on a trip reliving the memories of Tusky, the slobbery kisses, the torn bed sheets {yes, unlike most dogs Tusky had her affinity towards chewing pretty bedsheets!}, the never used fancy food bowls {she had her ways of using our ‘katories’ instead} to illness and finally letting her go and embracing the happy memories.

The innocent questions like why did she have to die? Or did I do something wrong with her? Did you not take care of her? When is she coming back? All the questions resonate with everyone who has a pet or rather another four-legged child. I would be honest, initially, the questions were so in-my-face, that I had almost resorted to false comfortable statements like, ‘Dora went on a trip’ or ‘She ran away with her best friend’ or even worse, ‘she’s sleeping’. We actually started feeling bad about misleading a young mind and shielding her away from the truth fearing the subsequent grief and sadness.

A child however young has the right to grief, be sad, and miss their pet. The best support we could possibly give them is our patience rather than expecting them to quickly get over it. We told our little one, that Dora was not keeping well and that her body stopped working and she died. We were clear that we’ll not be shoving her questions into the cupboard and wanted the verbiage to be calm, composed, and direct. We had read up many child psychologists harping on avoiding vague terms and euphemisms like ‘sleeping’ or ‘gone away’. A friend of mine {who had recently lost her Great Dane, Cindy} suggested what she did when faced with a similar situation. She told her daughter that Cindy was not well and that God took her away so that she could get better and might someday return as a small cuddly pup to her. The idea was indeed ingenious and even had room for a future addition!

But I wasn’t sure if I could deal with all the separation agony again. Because all the pet parents out there, we all know with the joy of having a furry baby comes the latent fear of heartbreak, agony, and the feeling of void.

From the outset, we were clear about being truthful to the child and that we wouldn’t mask the adult emotions as well. We would show her that we were sad too and that being sad and missing her furry friend was absolutely normal and in fact completely appropriate emotion for the situation.

We as parents in the best interest of our child try to shield them and sometimes that means even in their grief we tend to hover around them.

Tusky – Copyright Ananya

Again, we do that because we do not want to leave them on their own. But sometimes, letting them be could be one of our approaches as well. I was sure my daughter would get over this sadness and all we could give her is time and our patience.

Ok, so can’t harp on this enough, we promised ourselves that we’ll encourage her to express emotions and honor her feelings. We would absolutely try not saying that it’s ok and quickly move over to a Dr.Seuss book. We would let her ask her side of questions and be respectful if she cries, howls, or just wants to be quiet for some time.

Grieving is a cathartic process; don’t press your child to overcome it because it’s been a long time. As I just mentioned our patience could be a great healer for their grief.

Stringing together the good memories and creating a poignant goodbye. We have this on our mind but we’re not there yet. Dora was not our pet but she was an important part of my daughter’s life. My girl, her friend, and Dora would often play together in the lazy afternoons after their 4K class. We have plans to put a picture of my daughter and Dora on our mantle but not just yet.

Ever since we came to know about Dora we had decided that bringing in another pet into the household would not be our way of compensating this loss.

We reminded ourselves that now might not be the right time to get another one, at least not right away. After all, we were not looking for a replacement. I’m sure many would agree with me!

After Tusky, we had always shuddered at the thought of bringing in another furry baby in our lives, the pain of separation is just too much to bear. Dora somehow had filled in that vacuum. And we were heartbroken to hear her news, it was a whole dejavu feeling just in a negative way.

Just a few hours later we broke the news of Dora’s death to my daughter, she was quiet. It was a bit unusual for a child who asks almost 10 questions in 10 minutes and tries to speak even in her sleep! We tried books. I read ‘The Rainbow Bridge …a Dog’s Story’ by Judith Kristen to her. At that point I am not too sure that she was processing much of what I read but she listened. We are reading the ‘Dog Heaven’ by Cynthia Rylant now and she has gradually started asking questions. Reading to her was my way of bringing solace and I’m sure there are tons of other ways.

Did you ever confront a similar situation? How did you cope with your child’s reaction? Tell us a bit about your experience and the way you chose to comfort your child. After all, we are all here to raise strong and resilient children.

Hey all, I am Ananya. After graduating from the University of Iowa with a Master’s in Strategic Communication in 2018 I took to freelancing. Currently, I freelance as a SEO Writer. Writing blogs on travel, lifestyle, wellness, and food is my jam though I would love to write a campaign critique on any given day! I write blogs, articles, and sales web copies for websites. And when I am not fretting over a delivery deadline or running errands, I am probably trying to keep up with my ‘always-so-energetic’ 5-year-old girl or indulging in a bit of self-love on the elliptical at Planet Fitness! I also hold a Bachelor’s degree in English Literature and a MBA in Marketing, from India.

Get Kids Excited About Science :

You’re starting a new and exciting job teaching science, but you aren’t sure how to get kids excited about science. The following are a few helpful tips that’ll make this goal more attainable.

Taking it Outside

One thing you can do is go outside. You can find science in nature, and you can use that to your advantage. Kids can learn about living organisms, or you can teach them about foraging. If you take science outside the classroom, you allow your kids to connect your lessons to everyday life.

This is exciting for kids who think science is not something you can take outside a book or classroom. Ideally, you want to go to a nature preserve where your kids can be guided by an expert. Doing this could help support the nature preserve by raising awareness since the kid’s parents are going to hear about the experience.

Let Them Create it

It would be a good idea to allow your students to create science. Something is exciting about being able to create nature in the palm of your hands. This is the reason kids get excited when they see their hairs stand when learning about static electricity.

You can take things much further with bigger projects. One of the most popular is the volcano project, but there’s so much more you can do in the comfort of your classroom. You could create stream tables in your classroom to help the students learn more about this world’s ecosystem. You’ll get to explore some of the biggest questions kids have about this natural world.

Take it Home

Another thing you can do to make science exciting for your kids is to allow them to take the lessons home. You are going to be asking them to experiment at home so that they can bring it back to you. Teach them a few things about science, and let their little minds figure out the rest.

You can come up with a list of interesting and safe experiments that your kids can do. Ask them to see which one interests them the most so that they can do it at home. Most likely, their parents are going to help, which is going to make this experience more fun for your kids. Have your kids present their experiments in your classroom. Doing this makes them little teachers at least for the day, which is exciting as well.

What Lies Beneath

A fun way to teach your kids about science is to lead them to discover what lies beneath. There’s so much science in everyday things that kids aren’t aware of that you can teach them. For example, you can teach them why a cake rises when you bake. This fun experiment doesn’t open up their eyes to things they didn’t know before, but it’s also just tasty.

You also teach them about magnets and how powerful they are. To most kids, a magnet is something you place on the fridge, but you know there’s much more to it. You know magnets are so powerful they can lift heavy items. Show them how and see their eyes brighten with excitement. Kids who don’t like science will see they can’t escape it because it’s everywhere.

Ask Questions and Wonder

General wonderment is going to help you get your students excited about science. You want to get them to see there’s always a question to ask. Talk about things you don’t know but are excited to learn about. Doing this is going to get your kids excited about their questions.

You also want to ask your kids about everything. If you treat your kids like scientists, they are going to start thinking they are. Ask them about their experiments, work, and why they like the superheroes they like. Every question you ask is important, and make sure you follow up. If you treat kids like their opinion matters, then their curiosity should grow.

These are some things you can do to excite your students about this subject. It might be a good idea to talk to other teachers in your department who have a little more experience to see what they’ve got to offer you.

Sensory Overload Prepare Your Car for Sensitive Children

Sensory Overload: Prepare Your Car for Sensitive Children

Preparing your children for long journeys in the car can be difficult. When you have sensory sensitive children, it can be even more challenging. Here are some helpful tips that you can implement to ease the effect your car has on your sensitive children and ensure they have a great trip.

Integrate Safe Features from Home

A change of environment can be extremely overwhelming for a child. When taking a trip in your car, you should try to incorporate many safe features from your own home into your vehicle to make the change less apparent to your sensitive children. This could be taking pillows or blankets from their bed. If they have a favorite cup they’re used to using, then bring it. You know the items in your home that make your child feel safe. Incorporate as many as possible into your vehicle.

Get Your Mechanics Checked Out

One of the biggest concerns when it comes to traveling with sensitive children is the possibility of unexpected delays or accidents. It’s a good idea to take your car into the auto shop to get its mechanics checked over. Any noise issues should be handled. If there are any hindrances to a smooth ride, such as tire flat spots, then get them replaced with Nissan tires. You want to prep your car ahead of time to ensure that it has a smooth ride for your passengers.

Prep with A Map Ahead of Time

If you’re undergoing a family road trip, then you should prep your child for the sites ahead of time. You can do this in a number of ways, like having them craft a map of the sites. By sharing what to expect with your children, they can better mentally prepare for the journey. When the sites come along, it will no longer be an unexpected and scary incident. Rather, they have had the time to prepare their mind for the site and will be able to go along with it.

Promote Relaxing Times

Long trips are some of the hardest to take with sensory sensitive children. To help keep their nerves at bay, you should implement a mandatory relaxation period every few hours. This is a time where everyone in the car is quiet. You can play some classical music, put on a movie that your child loves, or something similar. Whatever promotes relaxation in your sensitive kid should be used during this relaxation time to allow their brain to rest.

Life is full of challenges. When you take your sensory sensitive children on a road trip, you should try to prepare them beforehand. By implementing the tips above, you’ll be sure to have a nice road trip with your children.


Top 25 Indie Books that Encourage Diversity and Inclusion

In a time when we are so secluded, it is so much more important now than ever to teach kids about diversity and inclusion. For the danger is now more than ever for them to get a one sided view of the world, that is more a rainbow than just one color.

Today, I bring to you books by various authors from around the world who have written books that promote the same.

What is diversity?

It means understanding that each individual is unique, and recognizing our individual differences. These can be along the dimensions of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, socio-economic status, age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political beliefs, or other ideologies.

What is inclusion?

The action or state of including or of being included within a group or structure.

A global world view, building kindness and social skills all need a child to understand the essence of these two.

And what better way than books that are different in the WAYS they bring these topics forth.

For if we hope our children to grow to build a world together, to be allies of each other and stand tall, we want them to know all the above, from within.

Download our FREE ACTIVITY BOOK for helping kids build a global mindset early.



The Secret about Hummingbird

Created by an elementary teacher to educate and inspire, children will love learning about the Taíno culture through the retelling of their indigenous folklore, bringing an ancient cultureー and a young loveーto colorful life. This is a beautiful retelling of an old Taino legend about how the hummingbird was created. The way the story is retold is both easy for children to understand but not “dumbed down” either. I enjoyed the story and found the illustrations bright, colorful, and descriptive.

Adventures of Neel and Maya

Join Neel and Maya as they tour India and celebrate festivals full of color and joy. You will be astounded by the various traditions and cultural traits the books in this series have. It is so wonderful to show a bridge between our US Diversity and the country of cultural origins and to show young people engaging in understanding their heritage. It was so well written to explain the celebrations.

Hasta Mañana Mexico City

This book takes kids to a world away and opens their minds to a cultural experience outside of their world. It’s an English book with references and details on real locations. This story takes children through the heart of the city, which is full of wonderful history and vibrant places.

Travel, Learn and See Your Friends : Adventure Series

This bilingual book is targeted at Mandarin Immersion students, but can be read by non-native speakers of Chinese.About the Author: Edna is a physician anesthesiologist and mom, who was motivated to write a bilingual Chinese children’s book, inspired by her son’s friendship after he enrolled in a Mandarin immersion school. She found a limited selection of books for this age group. So she created these stories to include English and Mandarin with pin yin, to facilitate different reading levels. Her stories celebrate friendship and cultural diversity.

Womagis – First Multilingual Children’s Book in 18 Languages

Womagis is illustrated as an innovative template, displaying 18 languages simultaneously, as a multilingual frame. Each language changes its place from page to page, so the book is also a game, where you must look around in order to find your native tongue, just like a smart detective. It includes some activities to inspire parents and educators so they can work together with the children by creating a universe of adventures and games around the book. Womagis is a new book that inspires children to create their own language of tolerance and love, all in one story, all in one page!


Devin’s Discovery

Devin’s Discovery is a story about an ordinary boy who happens to wear orthotic braces. He realizes he’s not as different as he thought as he discovers there are many other children who need special orthotics and prosthetics to support them, too! A story of acceptance and embracing what makes us all unique, this is a book for EVERY child! Devin and his three friends represent four unique ethnic backgrounds, which adds to the elements of diversity and inclusion already portrayed throughout the story.

B is for Breathe

From the letter A to the letter Z, B is for Breathe celebrates the many ways children can express their feelings and develop coping skills at an early age. Fun, cute, and exciting illustrations, this colorful book teaches kids simple ways to cope with fussy and frustrating emotions. This book will inspire kids to discuss their feelings, show positive behaviors, and practice calm down strategies.

Hi! I’m Me

In this heart-warming tale about a mother and daughter, first-time author Kelly Vurinaris captures the beauty in human differences.She takes the reader through everyday experiences in the life of Chloe, a little girl with facial differences. Since she’s been going out into the world, Chloe notices people staring at her. To connect with others and break down initial barriers, she quickly discovers that she just needs to introduce herself. It helps kids identify that being different is okay, and that we are all people. It is the perfect story for parents or teachers who want to teach children about inclusivity, and how everyone has equal value no matter how they look.

Orange Sparkles

Relocating to Israel is bound to be an unforgettable adventure for 11-year-old Megan, 8-year-old Noah, and their little sister, Elise. But a whole new country, backwards-written language, and leaving everything they’ve ever known? Should they be excited or terrified? While their dad starts his new job and their mom works out the details of the clinical trial for Elise who has Cerebral Palsy, Megan and Noah explore a nearby tunnel – discovering magic and cryptic messages. Noah’s excited about the amazing flips he can do, while Megan is certain the magic must be an incredible opportunity – but for what?


Beyond the Clouds

My book is about a girl named Kippi who goes to visit her grandfather in his cloud house after he passes away. She learns that even though he’s gone, he’ll always be with her, watching over her. I think it’s a very important topic for children, especially in today’s world.

How Our Skin Sparkles

How Our Skin Sparkles is a book of empowerment through acceptance, of self and others. With easy to read rhymes, sibling love and thoughts to explore, this story talks about how one can truly see everyone as they are inside. This book is a must have for any child who wants to learn a little more about themselves, the world around them and how we truly sparkle! The Raising World Children – Empowerment Series for books for global kids is geared for kids aged 3-10. Perfect for boys, girls, early readers, primary school students, or toddlers. Excellent resource for counselors, parents, and teachers alike.

Where Am I From

How do you answer this question, when a child is ‘from’ multiple countries, can speak and understand many languages and is not living in the country they were born in? Children from seven countries each have a turn to answer in their own way. Each answer is correct, and yet still not the whole picture. When the youngest takes his turn, he shares a different view, one that has nothing to do with borders on a map.


Schneider the Spider and His Unusual Friends

Schneider the Spider is the biggest and brownest daddy longlegs in the woods. His big stature and spiky hind legs scare other spiders away. Sad and alone, Schneider finds an unusual friendship in a butterfly. Together, the duo flies around the lake and meets other unique and kind friends along the way. Schneider finds something special with all his friends and begins to accept his differences. This story sends a message that we are all different and unique. Schneider the Spider pairs well with any Character Building Curriculum to encourage kindness, compassion, appreciation, respect, attitude, and empathy.

The Unstoppable Rexie

Rexie is one cool dinosaur. He loves an epic imaginative adventure and he has one, every day of the week. Rexie has a bionic arm that he uses for daily tasks, like brushing his teeth. He doesn’t mind being a little different than the other dinosaurs. Although he may seem like a pretty ordinary T-Rex, he is extremely unique in how he views his world. Rexie and his sidekick, Dax, go to some exciting places and escape some powerful characters along the way. The Unstoppable Rexie is about being kind, being yourself, not letting any obstacles get in your way, and having some major laughable fun. Everyone can be Unstoppable, just like Rexie.

The Purple Grasshopper

The Purple Grasshopper follows the journey of a quirky grasshopper who struggles with accepting that she is different. She tries to be like the other grasshoppers at first, but quickly learns the power of self-love and that friendship is abundant. Celebrating your uniqueness is not as difficult as it might seem!


Helix and Sammy live on opposite sides of the garden fence. When Helix discovers what life is really like on Sammy’s side, there begins an adventure of revelations and revolution. Every evening, best friends Helix and Sammy meet at the vegetable patch to feast on delicious lettuce. Shells is a book aimed at helping young children better understand systemic racism, the nature of privilege and the importance of standing up for equal opportunities for all.

Hannah the Honeybee Has a Dream

Industrious honeybees are a great way to deliver the message that working hard and contributing to society are important. This book will offer great opportunities to parents to discuss the importance of bees to the well-being of the planet and all of us who enjoy it. This first book is about ‘making a difference,’ with the aim to show readers that we can all contribute to society in our own way. We don’t have to be rich or famous or like anyone else to make a difference. It is more important to be ourselves.


J.R.’s Biggest Fan

J.R. ‘s Biggest Fan shows the never-ending encouragement a mother gives her son. This heartwarming story teaches that with every failure, keep trying, believe in yourself, and you will always have the love and support of your biggest fan, your mom. It is critical for children to see diverse characters in a book to broaden their world view.

Aurora’s Orchid

Aurora, a beloved mom to four young children, is determined to create memories with them in her childhood home in Rincon, Puerto Rico. One year, she plants an orchid with her children and spends the summer teaching them to tend to it in the hopes that it would grow into the beautiful plant she knew it could. As the days, weeks, months, and even years pass, Aurora teaches her children patience as they skeptically wait for the flowers to bloom.

Sister Girl Collection

Readers are left with a sense of pride in family, and also themselves. Sister Girl is easy to relate to and the message of not giving up can be received by anyone, at any age. The Sister Girl Collection is an empowerment tool to encourage young girls to be courageous, creative, and live productive lives. Each book teaches a new lesson, skill, or touches on exploring the world. Readers can grow with Sister Girl as they also experience new things in their own lives. Families can add this collection to their home library, sharing the stories and lessons for years to come.

My Journey with Jimmy

My Journey with Jimmy is a simple story about a girl who grows up befriending a boy from school of a different race named Jimmy. She expresses her appreciation of Jimmy’s kindness towards her over the years. As their friendship grows. she admires Jimmy’s helpful personality. When Jimmy decides to help others as a police officer she decides to follow his lead. This is a great story to start a discussion with early readers about diversity and civic responsibility. The story is written in meter and prose to make it easy for young readers to follow along.

What Should I Do Today

Join 6 cute kids with beautiful curly hair in a colorful, fun story as they deal with the biggest daily hurdle for any toddler: What should I do today? mTargeted to children ages 0 – 4, it is a fun and engaging read that features simple wording, bright colors and whimsical artwork.


Strong Roots Have No Fear

Winner of the global literary Author Academy Award and Royal Dragonfly Award, this book is a must for your personal library for growth as a parent. Aditi Wardhan Singh is a leading voice on growth mindset and cultural sensitivity. This book has heart warming stories, easy to implement ways and conversation starters that enable you to use your child’s strengths to make them independent, with good decision making skills. Building a global mindset that helps children stay rooted in their heritage and values.


How to Raise Confident Multicultural Children

This is the uniquely empowering guidebook to the bilingual / multilingual and multicultural parenting journey. It includes practical tips and ideas for even greater success raising confident and resilient kids of mixed ethnic backgrounds who can speak many languages.


To have us feature your book, email .