Easter Bunny mask is a quick and easy craft that you can do with your children. This is such a fun craft to make and especially a perfect non-candy gift for the Easter baskets. You and the kids can make these rabbit masks in minutes.
The fun part is once you trace the template the whole mask making process can be done by your kids. Aren’t they looking so cute?! Here’s what you’ll need to make your own:
Supplies Needed:
Heavy card stock paper
Foam Sheet
cotton wool or ‘cotton balls’
elasticated strings or satin ribbon for tieing in the back
Foam sheet cut into long strips for whiskers
School Glue
Pencil & Ruler
Paper hole punch
Measure your kid’s face and head circumference. Depending on it trace a mask template and cut it out.
For the inner ears, trace the shapes on a foam sheet, cut and paste it on the mask template.
Cut the foam sheets into 6 long strips for whiskers.
In the traced part paste the white and pink cotton balls and also the whiskers as shown in the video.
Using the punch, put a hole on both sides.
Tie the elastic string in around the mask.
That’s It! A cute Easter Bunny Mask is ready to be added to the Easter basket.
Tips: If you don’t want to use it as a mask you can paste the skewers on the back side of the mask and use it as a prop for easter photography too.
I hope you enjoyed the inexpensive yet creative Easter Bunny Mask crafts. I’d love to hear what you have come up with to add to what I’ve created.
We would love to hear from you. Make this and show it off! Email it to us at contact@localhost or upload it on social media and tag us. @passionatemoms,@raisingworldchildren. We would feature the best ones on OUR platform for the world to see!
St. Patrick’s Day is here and It’s time to add a touch of creativity to the celebration. So, this week we decided to bring you some cool easy peasy shamrock crafts for this St.patrick’s day. The super special part of this shamrock crafts is it fits the bill. Most of the craft supplies we use are basic items that can be found in the household except the googly eyes and Popsicle sticks.
Let’s get started and have fun.
Shamrock Man:
Supplies Needed:
Green, Brown and Black construction paper
Glue stick
Googly Eyes
Trace a large heart and cut it. Now place the heart over the green paper and trace a shamrock leaf as shown in the video. Make sure your leaf doesn’t have the stem.
Cut 4 strips of brown paper, 2 long ones and two half the size of the long ones. Fold the papers in accordion style. These will be the arms of the legs of the Shamrock man.
Glue the arms and legs to the large shamrock.
Now make two pieces of shoes and hands on a black paper. Glue the shoes and hands to the end of the arms and legs of the Shamrock man.
Using a marker draw a mouth onto the Shamrock man.
Shamrock Leaves Garland:
This is the most simple craft that you can create in two minutes that makes a perfect decoration for St.Patrick’s day.
Supplies Needed:
Construction paper
Glue Stick
Prepare a shamrock template that you can use to trace it on the paper.
Cut the construction paper into long strips keeping the shamrock template size in mind.
Place the shamrock template and trace it. Now fold the paper in accordion style and draw two lines in the edges of the fold.
Now carefully cut the paper following the trace. Make sure you don’t cut it on edge lines you had drawn. This is the space that gives the garland continuity look.
Once you have more garland strips, paste them together to make a long shamrock garland.
A simple decorative craft for St.Patricjk’s day is ready to be hanged.
Shamrock Fan:
I am sure Shamrock fans would be the greatest hit among all crafts I have mentioned here. This can be a perfect craft for party favors too. So, if you plan on a party then you are in luck.
Supplies Needed:
Green construction paper
Any patterned paper for decoration
Glue stick
Popsicle stick
Green paint or any glittering sticker to decorate the popsicle sticks.
Yes, you guessed it right! Trace and cut two Shamrock leaf as I mentioned in previous tutorials.
Trace small heart shapes in the patterned paper and cut it out. Now paste them over the shamrock leaves.
Apply glue on both shamrock leaves and paste it together leaving the decorative part to appear outside. Now your shamrock leaves appear to be a single leaf.
Paint the popsicle stick or paste some glittery paper over it and paste the stick on the shamrock leaf. Make sure you paste the sticks perfectly one over the other with the leaf in between.
That’s It a lovely shamrock fan is ready.
I hope you enjoyed the inexpensive yet adorable St.Patrick’s day kids craft ideas. Let me know which one is your kid’s favorite. I’d love to hear what you have come up with to add to what I’ve created.
We would love to hear from you. Make this and show it off! Email it to us at contact@localhost or upload it on social media and tag us. @passionatemoms,@raisingworldchildren. We would feature the best ones on OUR platform for the world to see!
One of the things I find most inspiring is women openly supporting and lifting each other up. What better way to celebrate International Women’s Day than thanking those admirable women in your life?
They say that simplicity is the ultimate sophistication, try this simple yet beautiful DIY handmade card idea and surprise your beloved woman, your mom, sisters & all ladies on this 8th March International Women’s day. With some construction paper, a few embellishments, and a little creativity, you can create a one-of-a-kind Women’s Day card just for the woman you admire in your life.
Let’s get started.
Supplies Needed:
Cardstock paper
Construction paper or color paper
Glitter foam sheet (optional)
Glue Stick
Marker or Pen
Paper Punch – Flower Shape
Cellotape (transparent tape), Washi Tape.
Method To Make Women’s Day Handmade Card
Card Front: Hot Air Balloon Design:
On the color paper, trace hearts and cut it out. Paste them together one over the other as shown in the video.
Now paste them in the cardstock paper folded as a card using a glue stick.
Trace cloud shapes on a blue color paper and cut it out. Paste the clouds around the hearts.
Using a marker sketch the basket under the hearts to make it look like a hot air balloon.
Card’s Inner side: Paper Woman Dress
Take a color paper of your choice ( I used black color) and fold it like a skirt with frills. This part is bit tricky but you can do it with patience.
Trace the dress top on a glitter foam sheet and cut it out.
Now using the transparent tape paste the skirt part on the cardstock. After that, paste the (shirt part )glitters sheet on the top of the skirt part as shown.
You can use washi tape for extra decoration which is completely optional.
Using the flower paper punch create paper flowers and paste it all over the card.
At last, fill the cards with your desired wordings or any women’s day quotes.
That’s it your amazing card for to surprise your beloved women in your life is ready!
I am sure this women’s day is going to be more special for you when you make this handmade card to gift the special woman in your life. I’d love to hear what you have come up with to add to what I’ve created.
We would love to hear from you. Make this and show it off! Email it to us at contact@localhost or upload it on social media and tag us. @passionatemoms,@raisingworldchildren. We would feature the best ones on OUR platform for the world to see!
Suja Dinesh Raising World children Where Cultures Meet Parenting Sindhuja Kumar is a proud mom and a lifestyle blogger living in Connecticut, USA and origin from Tamilnadu, India. She is happily married and nothing excites her more than being a mom. She blogs to keep herself sane, more or less writing about positive parenting adventures, DIY Craft tutorials & scrumptious recipes that empowers every mom and woman to stay inspired and living an elegant life in a creative way. Check her work @ PassionateMoms.
March 2nd is Dr. Seuss’s birthday! What better way to celebrate than to read? Let’s add fun to your kid’s reading journey by making these cute seuss themed bookmarks.
In this video, I am going to show you 3 different bookmark ideas. A cute monster corner bookmark, dog and cat label bookmarks and a simple paperclip button bookmark. Aren’t these just the cutest thing ever?
Let’s get started and have fun.
Monster Corner Bookmark:
Supplies Needed:
Construction paper
Glue Stick
Pen or pencil
Take a square piece of paper and fold it in half.
Fold the left and right corner to the center point as shown in the video. Now unfold it.
Again fold the back the sheet in half as shown.
Now tuck in the left and right corners into the folded sheet space.
Using a different color paper decorate the bookmark like a monster adding eyes and teeth.
That’s It! A cute Book Eating Corner Monster Bookmark is ready!
Dog and Cat Label Bookmark:
Supplies Needed:
Cardstock paper
Color paper or any paper with pattern
Glue Stick
Trace an ear shape and a mouth shape in the color paper and cut it out.
Cut the cardstock paper in the form of a label and paste the paper cuts on the label cardstock forming an animal face.
Now make eyes for the animal by pasting two circular paper and draw eyes on them.
Using the patterned color paper, cut three pieces as shown in the video and paste it which looks like a tie
Now cut the excess cardstock and paste it over another cardstock paper as shown in the video.
That’s It! Cute puppy and kitten label bookmarks are ready.
Simple Paperclip Button Bookmark:
This is one is very simple and thanks to the glue gun which makes it more easier. “Glue guns are way too hot, it is better if parents can do the glue gun part for their kids”.
Supplies Needed:
Glue Gun
Apply glue on the backside of the button and paste the paper clip. Wait for a while for the glue to dry completely.
That’s It! Your paperclip bookmark is ready in less than two minutes.
I am sure your kids would have a fun reading month! Ok, which one is your favorite? I’d love to hear what your kids come up with to add to what I’ve created.
We would love to hear from you.
Make this and show it off! Email it to us at contact@localhost or upload it on social media and tag us. @passionatemoms,@raisingworldchildren. We would feature the best ones on OUR platform for the world to see!
Suja Dinesh Raising World children Where Cultures Meet Parenting Sindhuja Kumar is a proud mom and a lifestyle blogger living in Connecticut, USA and origin from Tamilnadu, India. She is happily married and nothing excites her more than being a mom. She blogs to keep herself sane, more or less writing about positive parenting adventures, DIY Craft tutorials & scrumptious recipes that empowers every mom and woman to stay inspired and living an elegant life in a creative way. Check her work @ PassionateMoms.
Are you looking for a Valentines day kid’s craft that you could make together? Then you are in luck! The below tutorial on how to make a ” Valentine Monster” and a “Pom Pom Love Bug” with heart antennas are great for kids. They would just love the idea of creating something and they can play with at home.
Caution: I am sure you will have a love bug infestation! I wonder what kind of exterminator you call for that.
Ready to make some love bugs of your own? Let’s get started!
Valentine Monster:
Supplies Needed:
Woolen yarn
4×5 Inches cardboard paper( I just cut mine from a Cheerios box)
Googly eyes
Egg carton (For making the bug stand still)
Hot glue or Craft glue (Takes a bit more time to dry)
Heart shaped Foam sheets
Pipe cleaners or chenille stem
Take the cardboard piece and wrap the woolen yarn around several times to make a thick layer. Make a tight knot and remove the cardboard carefully.
Now opposite to the knot cut the yarn as shown in the video. Level it by cutting the extras on the edges.
Take an egg carton and cut the single egg holder, paste the yarn bundle over the egg carton.
Now starts the easy part. Just paste the heart shaped stickers and make a face. Paste googly eyes over the foam sheet. You can add a mouth if you want but it’s totally optional.
Take a 3-4 inch chenille stem folded in half for the antenna. Glue the chenille stem onto the top of the monster.
Finally, paste the mini foam hearts onto the stem. Your Valentine monster is ready!
Pom Pom Love Bug:
Supplies Needed:
Mini ready made Pom poms (available at the craft stores).
Googly eyes
Hot glue or Craft glue (Takes a bit more time to dry)
Foam heart shapes
Pipe cleaners or Chenille stem
Construction Paper
For this project, I used red and black mini pom poms. Paste the two pom poms together.
Now paste the googly eyes and the bent chenille stem as an antenna.
Trace a mini heart on a cardstock paper and cut it out. Glue the bug over the cardstock paper to make it stand still.
Finally, paste the mini foam hearts onto the stem. Your Pom Pom Love Bug is ready!
I am sure your kids would have a bug blast! Ok, which one is your favorite? Valentine monster or Love bug? I’d love to hear what your kids come up with to add to what I’ve created.
We would love to hear from you.
Make this and show it off! Email it to us at contact@localhost or upload it on social media and tag us. @passionatemoms,@raisingworldchildren. We would feature the best ones on OUR platform for the world to see!
Sindhuja Kumar is a proud mom and a lifestyle blogger living in Connecticut, USA and origin from Tamilnadu, India. She is happily married and nothing excites her more than being a mom. She blogs to keep herself sane, more or less writing about positive parenting adventures, DIY Craft tutorials & scrumptious recipes that empowers every mom and woman to stay inspired and living an elegant life in a creative way. Check her work @ PassionateMoms.
Chinese lanterns are so easy and fun to make that they often associated with festivals. These paper lanterns are quite popular to make for Chinese New Year. This is such a great project for kids who are starting to master the use of scissors! So, why not you could make these paper lanterns with your kids and teach them a bit about Chinese culture? Let’s get started with the step by step tutorial.
Supplies Needed:
Cardstock paper
Glue gun or school glue
Washi Tape or any color paper or satin ribbon
To make paper lanterns, take the cardstock paper and cut into two pieces of 5 inches and 6 inches each. Now apply some glue on the corner of the 5-inch paper and roll it forming a cylinder shape.
Now take the 6-inch piece and begin by cutting down the long side of .5 inches and set them aside.
Next, fold the sheet of paper in half to form a long and skinny rectangle, as shown.
Draw pencil marks as a guide to make sure you don’t cut all the way to the edge of the paper.
Open it up, and place the cylinder over the sheet. Apply glue to both ends and paste it around the cylinder shape as shown.
Now take the .5 inches paper strip and glue it as a lantern handle.
Use washi tapes or satin ribbon or any colored paper strips and paste it over the lantern to decorate it, if desired.
That’s It! Hang your paper lanterns from the ceiling, or place them on the table for a colorful and festive centerpiece!
We would love to hear from you.
Make this and show it off! Email it to us at contact@localhost or upload it on social media and tag us. @passionatemoms,@raisingworldchildren. We would feature the best ones on OUR platform for the world to see!
Comment below and tell us what else you want us to try out next! Make sure to leave a lovely thank you to the creator.
Sindhuja Kumar is a proud mom and a lifestyle blogger living in Connecticut, USA and origin from Tamilnadu, India. She is happily married and nothing excites her more than being a mom. She blogs to keep herself sane, more or less writing about positive parenting adventures, DIY Craft tutorials & scrumptious recipes that empowers every mom and woman to stay inspired and living an elegant life in a creative way. Check her work @ PassionateMoms.
Have you started planning on Valentine’s Day decor yet? I think it’s just about time and I decided to start with this super simple paper heart garland. Here I am going to show you two different methods to make your own garland. It only takes about fifteen minutes to make and it is a perfect craft for kids.
The little paper hearts garland can be hanged anywhere and it blends perfectly. Most importantly this is a decoration you can use year-round for any occasion because you can mix and match any shape, colors, sizes and paper to create a festive touch.
1. DIY Crepe Paper Heart Garland:
Supplies Needed:
Crepe paper
Glue stick
Satin ribbon or Twine
Glue gun
Cut the crepe papers into small pieces of equal size. Bring together and fold it into the half.
Using a pencil draw a half heart starting from the folded edge.
Cut the crepe paper over the heart trace to make the paper hearts.
Fold each hearts into half and paste it together placing one above the other using glue stick.
Apply some hot glue in the middle of the hearts and paste the satin ribbon or twine in the center.
Now paste the last piece heart with the first one so that the satin ribbon remains in the center of the joined hearts.
Repeat the same steps until you reach your desired length of the garland.
2. DIY Construction Paper Heart Garland:
Supplies Needed:
Construction paper or any color paper
Sewing thread
Cut the construction papers into small pieces of equal size. Bring together and fold it into the half.
Using a pencil draw a half heart starting from the folded edge.
Cut the paper over the heart trace to make the paper hearts.
Now carefully fold it as shown in the video. Make sure you don’t press it too much which might leave folded marks.
Draw some patterns as you wish and carefully cut them out. You can experiment with different patterns on each heart.
Open the paper heart and see the makeover you did for the paper hearts.
Take a sewing thread and carefully string the paper hearts.
That’s It! Your valentines day decor is ready to be hanged wherever you like.
We would love to hear from you.
Make this and show it off! Email it to us at contact@localhost or upload it on social media and tag us. @passionatemoms,@raisingworldchildren. We would feature the best ones on OUR platform for the world to see!
Comment below and tell us what else you want us to try out next! Make sure to leave a lovely thank you to the creator.
Sindhuja Kumar is a proud mom and a lifestyle blogger living in Connecticut, USA and origin from Tamilnadu, India. She is happily married and nothing excites her more than being a mom. She blogs to keep herself sane, more or less writing about positive parenting adventures, DIY Craft tutorials & scrumptious recipes that empowers every mom and woman to stay inspired and living an elegant life in a creative way. Check her work @ PassionateMoms.
Gifting cards is a lovely gesture mostly everyone does. But instead of rushing to the Hallmark wouldn’t be more personal if you can send them a handmade greeting card? Here is a simple pop up valentines card for you and your kids to try out for this Valentine’s day.
Materials Required:
1.Cardstock Paper 2.Color paper 3.Washi Tape 4.Scissors 5.Glue Stick 6.Marker 7.Foam sticker 8.Pencil
Method to Make A Pop Up Valentines Card:
1. Let’s cut the heart out of a paper. It’s the template we going to use for the greeting card. Fold a piece of paper in half. Draw a half-heart shape along the folded edge of the paper and cut the heart out. 2. With the help of the template trace the half heart along the folded edge of the cardstock paper. 3.Carefully cut through the heart trace leaving a 1cm in both sides uncut. To make sure the heart can still be in the cardstock paper but able to fold it as a pop-up. 4. Now using the same template make a heart from the glittering foam sticker. Peel it and paste over the pop-up heart. 5. Take another piece of the cardstock with the same size of the pop-up card and paste it together using a glue stick. 6. With the similar method cut few small hearts out of a black color paper. 7. Fold hearts in half and paste one over the other in the card as shown in the video. 8.Using a washi tape cut a small piece and paste it over the hearts. You can use strings instead of washi tape. 9. Again paste a different washi tape, over the corner of the card. 10. Now you can label the card with whatever wording you like using the marker.
We would love to hear from you.
Make this and show it off ! Email it to us at contact@localhost or upload it on social media and tag us. @passionatemoms,@raisingworldchildren. We featured the best ones on OUR platform for the world to see !
Comment below and tell us what else you want us to try out next! Make sure to leave a lovely thank you to the creator.
Do you know kids develop self- awareness through self-expression? Self-expression is the expression of one’s personality, feelings, or opinions.
Kids who are being self-expressive can be an observer of their own life and who they are being. Creative writing is one of the effective artistic activities that make children self-expressive. It has a magical quality of clarifying thoughts and feelings. Encouraging kids to express their thoughts through writing is an excellent skill to teach.
Why Creative Writing Is Vital To Encourage :
Kids love hearing stories and let’s take advantage of this fact and help them make their own. By doing so,
You teach them to think outside the box.
Kids learn to widen their imagination.
They learn to THINK through writing which can be very useful in bringing clarity to their thoughts.
Kids get skilled in their language but in a fun way.
[bctt tweet=”Are you using these easy tricks to encourage your child’s self expression through creative writing ? #parentingtips” username=”contactrwc”]
Listed below are some of the key points on how to teach creative writing to children.
The Desire To Write Grows with Reading:
Start by reading books together. Creating a reading habit is crucial before you wish to start teaching your kids to write. After finishing up a story talk a little bit about each story. Take some time to discuss the author who wrote the story. If there is information about the author on the outer cover of the book, you might read it together. Doing this, helps your kid understand that the story you read was created by a person. Kids have to understand that author is the one that decided on the characters, beginning, end and the flow of the story.
While reading you could ask your kid to predict what’s going to happen next and why she thinks so. This way children could understand how stories work and how a single imagination could change the whole story.
Encourage your kid to talk about the story you read. Ask him whether he liked the way the story ended? Or did he expected a different ending?
Find Or Create Inspirations To Write:
Pick any one of your kid’s favorite book and ask him to write a story similar to the story line of the book you chose. For instance, if the book was about a kid’s zoo trip ask your kid to write about his own zoo trip with a beginning, middle and ending part that sounds like a story. Help him with the process to make it more fun.
Writing prompts are one of the effective ways to widen your kid’s imagination. You can give some funny prompts or story starters and then your kid could write about what might happen next. For instance, “One day I woke up and discovered the tree in the backyard could talk”.
Instead of prompts you can give three unrelated words and encourage your kid to cook up a story involving all three words. For example, T.V, Robot, Spider. The story might sound funnier than you expected.
Respect The Little Author’s Work and Appreciate It:
When your kid feels confident enough creating his own stories encourage him to write a whole new story but this time without any prompts. Remember this is a story written by a kid, so try not to quibble. You both talk about the story and the characters he created. Ask him why the story has to be ended in this way? Talk with your kid as he is the author of the book and not your child. Give him a chance to read the story aloud and make some changes to it. Create the final version of your kid’s story.
If your kid loves painting or drawing help him creating the illustrations for his story. Or you could find an illustrator for your kid’s storybook. Help your kid give a title to his story.
As an extra encouragement tip, you could print your kid’s story with the illustrations, title, cover page, and author name added. Gift your kid with his own storybook and place it on the bookshelf and read it along with his other storybooks. This not only excites your kid but also reinforces your kid’s creative writing habit.
To raise a kid who can live his life to the fullest, make the choices that honor his wants and desires, they need to be taught to self-express. Motivating kids to explore the world of creative writing make them thrive and blossom to their full potential.
Do you have any other interesting tips on how to get children’s creative thoughts flowing? Share with me in the comment section below.
Sindhuja Kumar is a proud mom and a lifestyle blogger living in Connecticut, USA and origin from Tamilnadu, India. She is happily married and nothing excites her more than being a mom. She blogs to keep herself sane, more or less writing about positive parenting adventures, DIY Craft tutorials & scrumptious recipes that empowers every mom and woman to stay inspired and living an elegant life in a creative way. Check her work @ PassionateMoms.
Having a polite kid is a dream of every parent. But what if your sweet kid doesn’t know to stand up for her rights or the rights of others?
Parenting methods have taken a serious modern turn. You can get answers to almost any of your parenting mystery from a professional expert or from a parent’s experience. This reassures that you are not alone struggling in the parenting journey. While the strategies are being modernized, the ultimate goal of every parent remains to be the same. The expectation of raising a kind well- behaved kid is carried across generations. But,
As kids want to be involved in all aspects of play they seek out ways to fit in. But given the choice does your kid choose to remain silent to avoid problems rather expressing his thoughts in the little snatch of lego world? Possibly your child has crossed the boundary of being polite and now he is in the pushover zone.
What does it mean to be a pushover ?
Your child can be pushed to agree on something easily. Pushover kids don’t know to be tougher. From sharing a toy to agreeing on an opinion pushover kids defer their choices to avoid confrontation with other children. They can easily take a step back allowing the more aggressive children to have their way. While avoiding the problems isn’t always a bad idea, pushover kids will be eventually targeted by bullies or taken advantage of by other children.
How to raise your kid polite and kind yet not to be a pushover:
Your friends and neighbors are already raving about how sweet and well behaved your kid is except you are secretly worrying that your child doesn’t know to stick up for herself. Not to mention, most of the times you see yourself speaking up for your kid.
The more your kids see you as rescuers the more your kid relies on you to solve her problems. While you can’t live your child’s social life for her, there are some things you can do to help them remain kind but not taken for granted. To help your kid to stand up for their rights and defend themselves teach them how to be assertive so they can speak up and defend themselves. Practicing these ways helps your kid to gain confidence and be assertive.
Encourage your kids to speak their minds:
Kids love to be heard. They want to be understood by everyone, especially parents. But there are these rush moments mostly you step in to help them with an answer or elaborate on a question, anything to avoid sitting in the silence. Silence in uncomfortable but kids needs their own time and space to let out their feelings through words.
Never guide them with answers before they talk.
Ask open-ended questions and wait until you get a response. This way your kid knows you are listening and eventually he gains the confidence to speak his mind to you.
Most importantly, do not load your kids with advice when they finally open them to you. Instead, listen to them and sit with their feelings. Try to relate yourself with your kid and commiserate about how that must have made them feel.
Use sentences like “That must have been so hard”,” I can Imagine”, “I know that must have made you angry” which would help to continue the conversation.
Create situations for open communication:
Kids mirror parent’s behaviors. While discussing a topic or handling a conflict in the home make sure you do it gently and express your feelings. If it is a family topic in which kids can be included ask their opinion.
Encourage your kids to express what they feel. Hold simple debates or family meetings on interesting topics and hear every kid’s opinion. Give chance to all the kids in your household. Make them feel the power of letting out the feelings.
When they know their opinions count they are likely to be more open than you expected. Create the comfort zone and give chances to speak up and be heard. Encourage your child to assert himself using a firm and strong tone but not the yelling to get his point across.
Reinforce Assertiveness:
Now your kid is comfortable enough to express his ideas and opinions so what next? Reinforce that behavior and let her know you honor her opinions. Let your child know that you value people who speak their mind. Encourage their assertiveness by using sentences like ” I like how you spoke up”, “It was clear to the point yet gentle”. Teach your child to act confident, hold her head up, stand up straight and most importantly make eye contact.
Whoa! Parents, Please Step Back:
Pushover kids usually see their parents as rescuers because you have already started speaking up for them. You might think you’re keenly self-aware and never stepped into your kid’s problems, but parenthood has a way of muddling details. Here are some questions you can ask yourself to determine if you are living your kid’s social life and often rescuing him from most of the problems.
Does your kid expect you to step in and speak up for himself even it’s a silly toy snatch?
Do you say sorry for your kid’s behavior and never talk about that later to your kid?
Do you make sure your child never struggles, fails or feels pain or disappointment?
If you had answered “yes” to one or more of these questions then its time you need to step back and let your kids face the tough times and speak up for them. It can be hard to stay out of the way when your kid has to face some domineering friends. But, see the greater good, you are teaching him to advocate for himself. If you want to raise an assertive kid then absolutely you should resist the temptation to solve their problems.
Teaching children to be assertive and confident with compassion is the key. Make them realize they don’t want to be mean or hurtful in order to stand up for what they believe even if it is unpopular.
Ensure them speaking with firm and strong tone is more powerful than acting out. The ultimate goal of having a well-behaved child with the combination of assertiveness and confidence can be achieved only if they respect themselves and their feelings first.
So, have you thought about how you can teach kid around you to stand up for themselves ?
Suja Dinesh Raising World children Sindhuja Kumar is a proud mom and a lifestyle blogger living in Connecticut, USA and origin from Tamilnadu, India. She is happily married and nothing excites her more than being a mom. She blogs to keep herself sane, more or less writing about positive parenting adventures, DIY Craft tutorials & scrumptious recipes that empowers every mom and woman to stay inspired and living an elegant life in a creative way. Check her work @ PassionateMoms.
Halloween is not about candies and costumes it also gives us an opportunity for implementing a better parenting style. Prepping your child’s mind is crucial not only for celebration but also for their life. Getting prepared for the best and worst is a tremendous advantage in a world that emphasizes performance.
Bullying is never acceptable in a society where each and every human being is entitled to respectful treatment. When hearing the word “Bully” most of you think of the words like “being mean, disrespectful, low self-esteem, threatening, taunting, beating and verbally or physically abusing.
It is a significant issue that affects people of all ages and can take many different forms. But, it takes a serious turn when it happens among kids, more importantly younger grades. Kids getting bullied is a sensitive issue and no parents want their child to be bullied.
No matter what else is going on, the fear of your kid might be picked on by a bully never leaves. Imagining your kid getting hurt by a group or a single person can be heartbreaking.
But, what if a parent approaches you and complains about your kid for bullying their kid? It would be the one scenario you never imagined.
Acknowledging the fact that your kid is a bully can be distressing. It can be a mixture of shock, fear, embarrassment, and disbelief. The first and foremost response from you would be “I know my kid, she would never hurt anyone”.
The truth, sadly is no parent knows their kid hundred percent. You might not know how to handle the situation or deal with your kid’s mental health. Following some of the below tips can help you overcome this tough path without creating any war.
Handling The Parents of Bully-Victims:
Most crucial part of an incident is handling the parents of the kids who got bullied. When a mom or dad approach you stating that your kid bullied their kid, you would normally get defensive.
You would speak for your kid because you didn’t see it coming. But, it is a wrong way to treat a parent and it does no good for your kid too. Hearing a negative thing about your kid will be devastating but you should stay strong to deal the situation in a better way.
What should you do?
Take a deep breath and let them know you understand the seriousness of the issue.
Acknowledge the matter.
Convey your apology.
Let them know you will try to resolve the issue but before you need to hear the other side of the story from your kid. Make sure no one is hurt by doing it gently.
Analyzing The Situation and Dealing With It:
The fear of “your kid may be bullied one day” has turned upside down. Hearing the different truth which you never imagined makes you feel stupid.
The confidence of “I know my kid” has taken a beating. You might feel a heaviness in your heart which urges you to corner your kid and inquire about the bully situation. But, never do that. Instead, approach your kid and make sure he is well fed. Make him feel relax and calm and sit with your kid. Speak in a firm tone and ask him what happened and why he behaved in a certain way.
Assure your kid that you are not being judgmental and ready to listen to his side of the story. Once he explains don’t load him with pieces of advice which is of no use here. Instead, ask him questions in a polite way which gives him some time to realize the mistakes. For instance, ask him ” Do you think what you did is right?”, Is the way you behaved is respectful?” , “Will it be ok if you are treated in the same way?”
Emphasize the discussion by teaching him the fair treatment and respectful deeds. Doing this way you can prevent the bullying attitude in the initial stages.
What If The Bullying Is No More In The Initial Phase:
Unfortunately, many parents are not aware of bullying incidents until or unless it seeks serious attention. So, what if you are in no place to prevent it in the earlier stage?
It’s very important to remember that children who bully are still children. Without any proper help and guidance, they could never understand what is happening to them. It’s our responsibility to care and treat them in an appropriate way. Taking note of bullying habits, victimized behavior and following the below tips can be helpful for early intervention.
To stop them from not bullying other kids:
Never call your kid a “Bully”. Parents addressing their own kids as bully causes more reasons to act in a weird way.
It’s important that you communicate with the school and consider what issues, either at home or school, could be contributing to your kid’s bullying behavior.
Try role-playing with different scenarios to teach your child how to treat others with respect and kindness.
Encourage good behavior and keep a reward system in place. Books can be a great reward idea. Never use monetary gifts for rewarding kids.
Get to know your kid’s social life, friends and other persons they spend time with. Make sure there are no people with inappropriate behavior. Bad role models with anger issues and superiority attitude can be a bad influence.
Look for changes in habit, behavior, physical and mental health like constant anxiety, loss of self-confidence, skipping meals, fake health complaints etc.
When a situation is out of your hand don’t hesitate to ask for help. There are many bullying prevention programs in schools which could be of great help. Counseling and therapy can also be a better option.
Never discipline your kid by constantly belittling them. Enforcing rules with a heavy hand is not the right way to treat your kid.
It is certain that you need to find the root of the behavioral problem. Provide the proper care to make your kid realize that bullying is not acceptable anywhere and anytime! Has your child ever been accused of being a bully? What steps would you suggest to other parents?
Sindhuja Kumar is a proud mom and a lifestyle blogger living in Connecticut, USA and origin from Tamilnadu, India. She is happily married and nothing excites her more than being a mom. She blogs to keep herself sane, more or less writing about positive parenting adventures, DIY Craft tutorials & scrumptious recipes that empowers every mom and woman to stay inspired and living an elegant life in a creative way. Check her work @ PassionateMoms.
People’s excitement on viewing the solar eclipse that occurred on August 21, 2017, brought back my lunar eclipse experience. Viewing an eclipse, Solar or Lunar, total or partial, is no doubt an exciting event! Certainly, once in a lifetime experience. You have to be in the right place at the right time. But, in Indian culture, eclipses had certain superstitious beliefs. As a kid, talking and learning about eclipses were fascinating for me. But my parents restricted me from viewing the eclipse as it might be harmful to the eyes.
Mostly during an eclipse, I would stay at home with my working mom as schools would declare it as Holiday. Yet, sometimes I manage to sneak out and try viewing the eclipse. However, if it’s solar or lunar eclipse it always seems like an overcast day, perhaps a bit eerie, with the sun not shining as brightly.
Eclipse Rituals Followed in Indian Culture:
I wasn’t credulous enough to believe in the eclipse rituals knowing that eclipses are caused when these heavenly bodies, namely the sun, moon and the earth cross each other’s path. Nothing changed my perspective of not caring about the superstitions associated with the eclipse. Until I got pregnant!
When I was 8 months pregnant on April 4, 2015, a Lunar eclipse occurred in India and the beginning of the eclipse was at 3.47 pm and it ended at 7.32 pm. I was supposed to adhere to lots of do’s and don’ts during an eclipse as per my family’s advice. Even though I am aware that the stories and beliefs are myths, caring for a tiny human being inside me became cause for fear.
My pregnancy days made me weak. I decided not to look for explanations that question my baby’s safety. So my pregnancy brain worked in a way to believe the scary stories of viewing the eclipse.
My family’s rules for this day –
” Do not cook or light a matchstick” – because the child would bear some burn scars.
“Don’t view the eclipse or step outside in the sun”- because if a woman steps out during an eclipse, her child will be born with marks all over his/her body.
“Do not cut or stitch anything, not to hold a pen, keys or any sharp object in my hand!” – because chances are that the child will be born with a cleft lip.
“No reading or browsing” – because the child will be born with eye problems or eye deformity.
” No eating or drinking anything” – because any food cooked or eaten while an eclipse happens will be poisonous and impure.
Finally, they decided it would be better if I stayed in a room, with the windows locked (covered with dark curtains). I wondered how would I spend about 4 hours sitting idle inside a room without eating, drinking, reading, browsing etc. They suggested I should rest or sleep.
Sleep I did, but not too long especially when my family advised me only to sleep. It was the longest afternoon of my life. Fortunately, I had my child’s company who were listening to me from my womb. As the time approached the end of the lunar eclipse I was on a verge to break the door and get out. Finally, the lunar eclipse ended and the moon is out of the Earth’s shadow as am I out of my room. At last, I had to take a head shower and worship the God and I thank him for helping me to successfully complete the eclipse ritual. I felt relieved.
Putting my baby first:
I was not happy by playing dumb believing the myths but I remained satisfied for being a good mother. My mother-in-law had no intention to stop me from seeing the eclipse other than caring for her grand kid’s well being and I respect her love. I chose to sleep over my logical-thinking out of love and respect for my baby and mother in law.
Ancient belief associated with Eclipse:
Later I tried to understand why these events were such a big deal to elders. Eclipses were considered to be an important event from ancient times. Especially people who worshiped the sun considered the eclipse as a negative force which plunges the earth into darkness. In the middle of the day, the sun suddenly going dark is viewed as a bad omen. Which could be a frightening experience. I don’t want to be a quintessential rebel and judge my Elders’ belief. While science has given the perfect explanation for the natural phenomenon like Solar and Lunar eclipse, religion always chooses to lie in the domain of faith in the unknown rather than accepting the facts to usher in a change.
What was your experience on eclipse watching? Do you have any restrictions or family ritual to follow during an eclipse? Share your stories with me .
Sindhuja Kumar is a proud mom and a lifestyle blogger living in Connecticut, USA and origin from Tamilnadu, India. She is happily married and nothing excites her more than being a mom. She blogs to keep herself sane, more or less writing about positive parenting adventures, DIY Craft tutorials & scrumptious recipes that empowers every mom and woman to stay inspired and living an elegant life in a creative way. Check her work @ PassionateMoms.
Parenting is all about facing adapting to challenges. I experienced the magical moment of motherhood in India at my age of 24. Aside from the excitement and happiness, I felt the fear of responsibility. I had already decided to give my little baby girl the best.
In the initial days, I tricked myself believing that overcoming the sleepless nights will be the only challenge I have to face and everything else would be easier as the days pass. But each day I had surprises that made me realize I was totally wrong. However, I had my family’s support which made my mommy journey bit easy. Everyone advised me to relax and told that I have enormous time to get skilled in parenting.
When the time came for my husband to return back to Chicago, we all thought that it would be easier to travel together with a 4 month old. So, I decided to travel back to Chicago with my husband. It was our own tiny self-sufficient universe.
Me and my husband both invested ourselves deeply in the minutiae of everyday life. Adapting to the new lifestyle introduced me another level of complexity. I saw it as a balancing act.
Coping Without Family in USA
Now, my only concern was my baby. I didn’t have the time or energy to stress over with the household management like I did in India where there were other family members helping out. Mothering my kid without my family’s guidance was intimidating. I quickly became too wrapped up with the demands of caring for a tiny person and myself.
Acclimating with Chicago Weather
Being a South Indian, having to face the fickle weather in Chicago was pleasure at times. But the excitement didn’t last for long. I realized I hate winter season. I was frustrated with spending the unending winter days by binge watching series on Netflix. Now having a baby made me crazy. I worried about how my daughter would grin and bear with the Chicago weather.
The horror stories of frostbite, flu virus, cold feet haunted me. But fortunately, the weather forecast is fairly accurate. Mostly we stayed at home. We made sure not to expose her too much to the winter as she was still 5 months old. We spent our winter mostly in hibernation mode. I wished we could take her out more often.
Thankfully over time, the warm summer sunshine came as a welcome relief. The timing was perfect for indulging in activities like playing in the park, strawberry picking etc., Thankfully, now my daughter is 26 months old and she has accustomed to USA weather.
Beginning Solids Differently
I never had to worry about my daughter’s diet since she was breastfed. But breastfeeding alone isn’t sufficient for a 6-month-old and I was supposed to introduce the solid foods as per doctor’s recommendation. In India food prepared with rice is considered to be the best option for an infant in the initial days. Preparing the boiled rice and mashing it enough for a kid to easily chew and swallow is a recommended method for introducing solid.
I have seen kids here feeding themselves as early as possible in the high chair with table usually with Cheerios or other cereal, small pieces of boiled veg or fresh fruit and packed fruit or vegetables. But I had no confusion on which diet to follow for her.
Fortunately, Indian grocery stores were the saviors which made my decision easy. But, at the same time, I don’t want to give the food cultural shock to my kid by making her dependent with the Indian cuisine. However, she has to cope with the American menu when she enters her preschool. So we add Cheerios and other American food items occasionally to our menu.
Leaving Cloth Diapers Behind
When we stayed in India my kid used to wear cloth nappies traditionally called “langots”. We used diapers only for travel or doctor visits. It was more of a cultural decision. So, no questions asked. But, staying in the house covered with carpet I have no choice but to make her wear the diapers.
I felt very bad and worried for her. I hated to see my kid in a diaper. Sometimes I sounded like a grandma who would be whining all the time. The fear of diaper rash made me crazy. Even though I was so strict with a schedule of diaper change(every two to three hours), she would suffer from diaper rash sometimes. Thankfully, diaper rash creams helped me and preventive creams are truly a reliever. However, my daughter was comfortable with wearing diapers.
When the winter approached I really understood the advantage of disposable diapers. Without diapers, my daughter would have slept in a pool of her own pee and being tired, I would have snored away. This, of course, would have let her catch a cold. Now I’m thankful for disposable diapers.
Potty Training Later
Comparatively, potty training the kids in cloth nappies are easy than training kids in diapers. Probably because the wetness helps kids learn sooner. If my kid was raised in India I would have started the potty training at her age of 1. That’s not the case here.
At her 15th month, I gradually started the potty training and of course, we had some setbacks in the initial days. She became diaper free at home at her 20th month and we used diapers only for travel. At her 24th month, she amazed us by getting rid of the diapers completely. We are now one diaper free family and I am proud of her.
The only way to getting around these change was expecting the unexpected. Even though it was hard to me, knowing ahead of time and understanding the cultural differences made me survived in the name of compromises.
Now as a 26-month-old my kid is coping with both traditional(Indian) and modern(American) lifestyle we impose on her. I am very proud of my daughter and I owe my whole life to her. I hope she will grow with better values and the ability to understand and work with people from different backgrounds.
Most importantly, a better human being!
Sindhuja Kumar is a proud mom and a lifestyle blogger living in Connecticut, USA and origin from Tamilnadu, India. She is happily married and nothing excites her more than being a mom. She blogs to keep herself sane, more or less writing about positive parenting adventures, DIY Craft tutorials & scrumptious recipes that empowers every mom and woman to stay inspired and living an elegant life in a creative way. Check her work @ PassionateMoms.
Every parent reminisces their kid’s “Firsts”. It may be their first smile, kiss, jump, birthday, tonsure. To create such a memory my family is already discussing my daughter’s ear piercing ceremony.
In the Tamil language, its called as ” Kadhani Vizha“, where the ear piercing is considered to be a ritual and it is celebrated! I am very excited to see my kid with the adorable cute pair of earrings. I can already imagine her in the earrings sparkling to match her smile.
Karna Veda (ear piercing ceremony) is a Hindu tradition practiced in India. It is a religious trend and in some communities not doing this ritual is considered to be a sin. Apart from aesthetic reasons, ear piercing is also performed based on other beliefs.
Traditional and Scientific Reasons for Ear Piercing
Some believe that the pierced ears help ward off evil.
Acupuncturists believe the earlobes is a vital acupuncture point and piercing it has some therapeutic value.
Susruta, the great Indian surgeon, advocates ear-piercing by saying that it prevents diseases like a hernia and Hydrocele.
It is also believed that ear-piercing regulates the menstrual cycle in girls and prevents hysteria and other diseases.
Our Family Rituals For The Ceremony
Once I got married, I have to follow my husband’s Kuladeivam (Patron deities or grama devata of village assigned to the specific community). In other words, I accept his families religious customs as my own. Our family tradition ear piercing does not accompany tonsuring (shaving off the hair on the crown) which some other families do.
Piercing are performed on all kids regardless of their gender on their eleventh month or odd years of age like 3 years or 5 years and so on.
Auspicious date and time are calculated and discussed among the family members. Mostly ear piercing will be performed in the temples. Once the date, time and venue are fixed invitations for the ceremony are printed. There is some standard format of invitations which are printed especially for ear piercing ceremony. Now, generations getting modern, some prefer their own customized invitations. Below is an example of the traditional invitation.
Our Ear Piercing Invitation
On the day of the ceremony, the kid has to be sat on her uncle’s lap (Thaai Mama- Mom’s brother). If the mother doesn’t have a brother then another male equivalent to her brother can take that place, could be the grandfather as well.
A professional person who pierces ears is booked and he applies some lotion or ointment to make the ear lobes numb. Now he pierces the ear with a sharp needle and puts the earring which has been specifically purchased for the ceremony. This will be the most painful and sad part for any parents to watch their kids crying with the excruciating pain.
The earring purchased for the function will be mostly made out of gold as it doesn’t rust and overall it is more affordable to buy for the Indians compared to platinum or diamond.
Once the rituals are finished the guests and family members who have appeared for the ceremony are served food with a special menu. The food might be prepared at home or pre-ordered from any catering service and it depends on the crowd we invite.
Nowadays, ear piercing is just carried out as a “childhood ritual” and no longer it’s seen as a tradition to follow. The girls retain the holes for wearing studs, while the boys gradually lose them.
My Own Ear Piercing
The day of my own ear piercing is still a nightmare for me. I remember it clearly, how brave I was and how much it hurt. My earlobes throbbed and the pain was excruciating. Unfortunately, I was one of the kids who got an infection due to piercing. Sadly, it took one whole week to recover. Now the situation is totally different and I love wearing long, big earrings and being an Indian, makeover is something I yearn and I thank my mom for making that tough decision.
My desire for earrings constantly increased. I wanted to get the second hole pierced in my ears when I was in my college and my parents said yes. Thank God I had the opportunity of piercing my ears with the professional using staple guns and it was not painful comparatively. Or maybe the decision was mine so I didn’t have anyone to blame and just accepted the pain. Ha!
[bctt tweet=”Ear piercing ceremony. To do or not to do, a mother’s dilemma. ” username=”contactrwc”]
My Dilemma
Now, being the decision-maker on behalf of my kid makes me feel guilty and stressed. Considering the celebration and family get together this is a very important day for my daughter.
From being a daughter to the mother of my daughter, I cannot disagree with the concept of makeup or jewelry in a girl’s life. But at the same time, I don’t want to be a cruel mom who is fulfilling her desire to see her daughter with earrings.
How do I know my kid love to dress up like me? What if she grows up like a tomboy and hates to wear even studs? I feel scared. Am I being selfish? Maybe it differs from each perspective. If my mom had a doubt on this decision I would have ended up blaming my mom for not doing so.
With the bit of mom guilt, I am bracing myself to see my kid cry with that excruciating (maybe unnecessary?) pain. But I hope my daughter would love to wear earrings gradually.
Performing ear piercing ceremony is not only to follow the rituals blindly. It’s about family gathering to show their love and support. More importantly, family bonding gets stronger while conducting these Rites of Passages. I know my kid will not be happy about being held still and but the infant’s concept of pain is fleeting enough.
All, said and done : I don’t want my kid to miss this wonderful memory!
What’s your opinion on kids ear piercing? Do you follow any rituals? Share your story and experience with me in the below comments section.
Sindhuja Kumar is a proud mom and a lifestyle blogger living in Connecticut, USA and origin from Tamilnadu, India. She is happily married and nothing excites her more than being a mom. She blogs to keep herself sane, more or less writing about positive parenting adventures, DIY Craft tutorials & scrumptious recipes that empowers every mom and woman to stay inspired and living an elegant life in a creative way. Check her work @ PassionateMoms.